Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

We Get One Chance at This Wild Adventure

“You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16:11).

Life is an adventure. But, somewhere in the struggle of every day, we often lose the perspective that life is really a crazy, beautiful ride. We get tunnel vision concerning the problems of the day. We aren’t sure how we will make it through. We get addicted to highs and terrified of lows. We allow our perspective to slip away from reality and settle in the world of our fantasies (a world of dream or dreariness, but wholly detached from truth).

The path of life is windy. It is wild and unpredictable. It is beyond our control. And this frightens us. We are skeptical of what we cannot understand or control. So it often seems a much better option to shrink our world into some semblance of what we can manipulate, dictate and control. We try to make ourselves tiny gods of insignificant and lonely worlds rather than step into the epic grandness of a world we cannot fully fathom.

But all of the things that make life terrifying also make it thrilling. It wouldn’t be an adventure without risk, without danger, without the joy of triumph and the hard lessons of defeat. None of the stories we love—movies, books and so forth—are about characters being safe all the time and never learning anything. The difficulty spurs innovation and discovery; it invites us into community and the beautiful reality that life is bigger than we are.

The Lord is watching over us. He has placed us on this planet not just to suffer and toil but to thrive and live (even as we suffer and toil). He has placed us on an epic journey. We are a novel of His creation, a character of His authorship.

The thrill of adventure never looks the way we imagine. And what can seem like a long journey is actually a flash in the pan when measured against eternity. We get one chance at this adventure. We can sleep through it, waste it, lament it or enjoy it.

Only through knowing God is it possible to perceive the journey of life. The path is windy and arduous. But it is thrilling. It is an adventure. Join us as we discover in God’s Word the potential He has given us to live life as an epic journey.

The Yellow Balloons team is committed to influencing individuals and organizations toward choosing a true perspective. Throughout all the diverse circumstances of life, we have the power to make choices and live life above our circumstances. Yellow Balloons provides free resources such as books, podcasts and devotionals which can be found at yellowballoons.net. Listen to The Yellow Balloons Podcast on Charisma Podcast Network today.

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