Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Transgender Bishops, Perversion and Apostasy: How Did We Get Here?

I just read that a week ago the Lutheran church ordained their first transgender bishop. The great falling away has begun.

I pray that this wakes many up — but the real issue here isn’t Marxism, the Woke agenda or even the transmania agenda. It’s the law of diminishing returns.

This kind of filth has been slipped in like leaven into the very fabric of our nation and, yes, even into the church.

Over the last 2 decades, it has begun to crescendo into now an avalanche of debauchery and a depraved conscience.

Pulpits have been silent for fear of being labeled “political” when, in reality, they are just cowards. Instead of righteousness, a large segment of the “modern” church has laid their heads in the very lap of Delilah. And now … like Samson … “they don’t even realize the Spirit of the Lord has departed from them” (Judg. 16:20). We have bought the lie of the demonic realm; the lie of tolerance and compromise.

The law of diminishing returns is known all too well by any addict. What would previously get you “high” or achieve the desired level of euphoria now doesn’t do the job. Now you need more … and then more … and then more.

The leaven of sexual filth vomited from the bowels of hell upon this generation has come along these lines.

We stood silent and said nothing when they slipped more and more perversion into “television programs” (why do you think it’s called a program anyway) little by little. They slipped the “funny” BFF homosexual into TV — then Satan sat and watched while “professing” Christians sat and laughed watching this garbage.

He knew then it was time to turn it up a notch now that the desensitizing was into full effect.

Next came same-sex marriage and the lie that, you know, “You just can’t help who you love.” Then came more silence … They thunder, yes, but “God is love” and so, after all, He must cosign on their behavior. You know, with their hashtag #lovewins and all. Yet their God is not the Lord; their god is love.

Entering stage right … the life coach pulpits came next and their social conditioning “talks.” (They don’t even call them sermons any more. I suppose that’s good because they certainly aren’t oracles from God.) They began affirming perversity all in the name of inclusion. The sin of Balam was in full effect.

So then the enemy began to move on with more leaven and next came the transgender issue. (It’s actually a demon spirit.) But like Sodom and Gommorah, that wasn’t enough. Just as in the days of Noah, it isn’t enough.

The law of diminishing returns is now in high gear. So in places like California, demonized politicians are now passing legislation to lessen the criminal offenses to pedophilia.

Emboldened by America’s appetite for destruction and a backslidden church, the media and entertainment industry are eager to do hell’s bidding.

Christians (well at least that’s what they call themselves) at alarming levels willingly pump into their eyes and ears filthy music, perverse television and listen to pulpits with zero anointing and no chance of their apostate lifestyles being convicted. You know, after all …. “that message is just too ‘old fashioned'”; it’s just “not redemptive enough” …. here’s a common one from backslidden preachers …. “it’s too sin-conscious.”

No sir … it’s called conviction! Pain to your body is what conviction is to your spirit.

The very reason this nation is in the shape it’s in is because we have a preacher problem.

We need prophets to arise that will speak righteousness into government. Prophets that will not be afraid to challenge a decayed moral compass. Those that will not be afraid to address issues labeled “political.” Don’t you understand? This is the very reason the devil loves to label things like “abortion” as political, so that limp-wristed preachers will stay away from it.

America has never been in more need of revival — and I am determined to see it. Where are the Elijahs to arise that will confront Ahab and Jezebel? This is the generation of Gideons; those who will arise and leave the cowering behind. It’s time to confront the Midianites.

Now is the time to arise and take our homes back — take our pulpits backs — take our cities back — take our nation back. It is either REVIVAL or RUIN! {eoa}

Chad MacDonald is the founder of Revival Fire World Ministries, an international prophetic voice, revivalist, published author and host of The Voice of Revival on the Charisma Podcast Network. Carrying an apostolic anointing, Chad travels extensively through the United States and internationally. His meetings are marked with the tangible presence of God and accompanied by powerful signs and wonders. His heart burns to see a return to true Pentecostal power and the body of Christ equipped to carry the glory of God. Chad currently resides in Chattanooga with his wife and three children. You can check out more at

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