Top of the Week: 2023: A Year of Celebrity Transformation and Influence

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on mycharismacom. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

2023: A Year of Celebrity Transformation and Influence

The recent months have seen 2023 become a year of spiritual awakening for many well-known personalities in the entertainment industry. As the year began with a revival at Asbury University, the rest of the year saw an influx of celebrities from various fields leaving behind their fame and fortune to embrace a life devoted to Jesus Christ.

While some may argue that the personal lives of celebrities hold little importance, the impact of these influential individuals on the culture of America is undeniable. As Satan has long controlled the spiritual landscape of the country, the conversion of these celebrities to Christianity could potentially play a significant role in expanding the kingdom of God.

In sports, we have seen personalities like Jonathan Isaac and Christian McCaffrey openly speaking about their faith and being positive role models for the youth. McCaffrey’s humility and dedication to giving honor and glory to God serve as a reminder to fans that success and fame are fleeting.

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Beware These 10 Heretical Views Regarding Jesus

Having a biblical view of Jesus during this Christmas season is essential. Unfortunately, many people in Christianity have erroneous concepts: Some think He was a created being, some think He was just a good teacher, some think He was fully divine and not human and some believe He was fully human and not God.

Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Matt. 16:13b, NKJV). It was important to Him that men correctly understood who He was. To know precisely meant a blessing, and not to know indicated you could not be blessed by Father God.

The great doctors of the early church who fought erroneous views regarding Jesus made the correct belief that knowing who Christ was of primary importance. The beginning of the text of the Athanasian Creed is as follows:

7 Awesome Christmas Miracles We Should Celebrate

Dec. 25 is just a blip on the screen for some people. But for me it takes at least a month to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This is why Christmas is referred to as a “season.” The miracle of the incarnation is simply too wondrous to be limited to one day.

When we study the details of the coming of Christ in Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2, we discover that Christmas is a series of miracles. This year I’m pondering each of the supernatural moments that occurred in the lives of the ordinary people who played starring roles in God’s plan of redemption.

Zacharias’ miracle. God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. The Lord chose a Jewish priest named Zacharias to be the father of John, but Zacharias was doubtful of God’s plan—even though an angel delivered the news. Zacharias was struck mute, and he didn’t speak again until his infant son was ready to be circumcised. After Zacharias got his voice back, he delivered one of the most powerful prophecies in the Bible (Luke 1:67-79). Zacharias learned that God must discipline us if we want Him to use us.

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God’s Hand Seen in Miracle of Baby Surviving Tornado

In a remarkable story of survival and faith, a Tennessee family experienced a tornado that tore through their home, leaving them with only the clothes on their backs. However, their 4-month-old baby miraculously survived the ordeal after being swept away by the storm and was found in a nearby tree.

On Dec. 16, the EF-3 tornado struck Montgomery County, Tennessee, leaving six people dead and more than two dozen injured. Sydney Moore, her boyfriend and their two children were inside their home when the tornado hit. The tornado destroyed their mobile home and belongings, but the family’s faith in God remained unshaken.

Recalling the terrifying event, Moore shared that something in her told her to protect her 1-year-old son by jumping on top of him. “The moment I jumped on him, the walls collapsed,” she said. Her boyfriend could see the tornado engulf their home before it was ripped apart. The baby’s bassinet was picked up by the tornado, and Moore’s boyfriend lunged to rescue the baby, getting thrown out of the home along with the infant.

American Icon Hulk Hogan Gets Baptized at 70

American wrestler Hulk Hogan, also known as Terry Gene Bollea, was recently baptized at a church in Florida, marking a significant milestone in his faith journey. The 70-year-old wrestling icon shared the news on his social media accounts, posting photos of the event that took place at Indian Rocks Baptist Church in Largo, Florida.

Hogan expressed his joy and excitement on his social media, describing the day of his baptism as “the greatest day of my life.” He went on to say that his newfound dedication to Jesus has brought him a sense of peace and love, and that he no longer worries or holds any hate or judgment towards others.

The baptism was attended by his wife, Sky Daily Hogan, who was also baptized at the event. A video of the ceremony was shared by Hogan, giving his fans and followers a glimpse into the intimate moment.

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