The 3 Devils of Coronavirus

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak in China, I have been observing the trail of suffering that it has caused. At first, I wondered whether it was some sort of judgment by God against China, but there was more to it than that. As of today, the disease has worked its way around the world and is jeopardizing many lives. Hour upon hour the reports come in and cities lock down more and more. We are told to avoid crowds and be watchful about who we come in contact with. Even churches are closing their doors and going online to help curtail the spread of the disease. Articles are being written about how we will never interact the same way again.

Even more crazy, I saw that there was a psychic who had predicted in 2008 that there would be a worldwide pneumonia pandemic in 2020. All these things troubled me greatly and as I prayed on these things, God revealed to me that coronavirus was birthed from the realm of the demonic. He said that there were three main devils: death, fear and a suffocating spirit. As I looked for more clarity, God said Satan was working to separate the shepherds from the sheep; this separation would give Satan the opportunity to suffocate the sheep of their faith, hope and commitment that they had to God; and the final goal was to end people’s personal relationship with God and the church, leaving the body of Christ in a weakened state.

In all this, I believe Satan has made a miscalculation on the people of God. Listen to “Overcoming The Three Devils Of Coronavirus” and learn how to break the power of this spiritual attack.

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