Solar Eclipse Finds its Center in the Empty Cross

The total solar eclipse crossing the country on Monday, April 8 is passing over Kerrville, TX, the home of an incredible prayer garden that shares the Gospel through artwork and a 77-foot 7-inch cross visible from nearby Interstate 10. The sculpture, aptly named the “Empty Cross,” outlines a cross.

Max Greiner, the creator of the cross and garden, is a fervent former Southern Baptist who enjoys sharing how he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and witnessed people coming to Jesus, even experiencing miracles when visiting the prayer garden. He claims that 100 people canceled suicides after encountering Jesus there.

I’ve known Max for years; he’s always enthusiastic about the Lord and his latest projects. Last fall, when an annular eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, passed over Kerrville, he mentioned that both that eclipse and the one this month only passed at the prayer garden, forming a huge cross. He finds significance in this, as apparently do many others.

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Up to 100,000 people are expected to visit the Texas town with a population of 24,000. Max informed me that the local low-budget motel was renting rooms for $1,000 a night. Due to expected heavy traffic, it will take hours for people to leave once the mid-afternoon eclipse ends.

Since the 67-mile wide path of the eclipse runs from Mexico through Kerrville to New England, many towns along the way anticipate record eclipse tourism. The media is advising people to fill their gas tanks and stock up on food, as some anticipate cell phone interference. Why? Is it merely due to the massive crowds, or is something more ominous happening?

Throughout history, humans have interpreted eclipses as ominous signs, leading to various superstitions about angry gods. I came across a press clip discussing how Islam and Judaism view eclipses. However, Christians also perceive ominous signs. Some Christians theorize about God’s judgment for America’s sins, suggesting parallels with the desire to divide Israel.

While I believe America needs to repent, I also believe that planets and eclipses follow preordained orbits. Scientists can predict them far into the future; this eclipse won’t reappear in America until 2044.

I couldn’t include everything in my podcast, but we’ve reported additional details on For instance, on April 8, scientists at CERN in Switzerland, in their search for dark matter or potentially opening portals into supernatural dimensions, are activating the world’s most powerful particle accelerator.

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As the Great American Eclipse approaches, NASA will conduct Project Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path (APEP), named after the ancient Egyptian serpent god Apep, the nemesis of Ra, the sun god.

Amid the hype surrounding the Great American Eclipse, few have discussed another rare celestial event occurring simultaneously. End-times expert Michael Snyder shared about this event, in which Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Mars, along with the Sun and the Moon, align through Pisces from Jerusalem to the east.

People shouldn’t interpret every event as a sign of doom, but as Christians, we’re called to watch, be aware and pay attention to the signs of the times.

These occurrences prompt questions. In my Strang Report podcast, I discussed these matters, urging listeners to avoid extremism and focus on Jesus and how God can use these events for good. That’s why I invited Max Greiner to join me. Click here to watch that program.

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