Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Scouting for Snakes: Exodus, ‘Kinky’ Cannes, and the Deceiver

‘I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.’ (Luke 10:19)

Satan is the master of disguises. He couches things sweetly; he kills us softly. He makes good appear evil and evil good and plays upon the pride of those who refuse submission to anything other than their immediate desires. Most importantly, he plays upon real injuries; he empowers the damaged to do damage. Deceived into believing that God cannot restore them, wounded people become strong in self-defense and unwitting arms of evil. The deceived become deceivers.

Drawing upon their own experience of alienation and isolation in childhood, gay activists have ruined the Boy Scouts of America. Now the Scouts must bless and honor the self-confirmed gay identities of its underage members. Sound just? Since when have we given 12-year-olds the authority to define themselves according to an adult sexual identity? The Scouts have done just that, throwing out any sense of reason when it comes to defining masculinity. Having lost the right to define its young members accurately, they have given up their authority to call confused boys into manhood.

Though we rarely look to the popular arts for moral excellence, last week was a new low. Broadway bestowed unprecedented honors (6 Tony Awards) upon ‘Kinky Boots,’ a new musical about Lola, a black drag queen who revives a dying shoe factory by assembling fetish-style footwear with the help of fellow drag queens. Most of the numbers feature guys in lingerie and you guessed it, kinky boots. No big deal you say, a trifle for Broadway’s effete audiences? Just wait til ‘Kinky Boots’ is playing at a high school near you.


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