Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Real-Time Prayer App Lets You Intercede for Persecuted Christians

The No. 1 request of persecuted Christians is prayer. Many testify to feeling the support of those prayers, which help them to sustain their faith. Now Open Doors USA is making it even easier to pray and let persecuted Christians know of the multitude of prayers. The organization is launching the Pray for the Persecuted Church prayer app. Available now on Apple and Android devices, users can download the app at or through the Apple and Android stores.

The Pray for the Persecuted Church prayer app will provide notifications of specific prayers submitted from persecuted Christians who are living out their faith in the world’s most difficult places to be a Christian.

Users can click “I prayed” to acknowledge they are partnering in prayer for a specific request. Users can also share the prayer requests on their own social media channels or via email and text, letting others know to pray for Christians whose struggles are often unknown to the rest of the world. The app was inspired in part by traditional church prayer chains in which church members pass prayer requests along to each other by a phone tree. Users are invited to download the app and leave a review.

“Open Doors USA’s new app is a great way to see real-time updates and prayer needs from persecuted Christians and let them immediately know that other Christians are praying for them around the world,” said David Curry, president and CEO of Open Doors USA. “I hope that everyone will make praying for the persecuted church a daily part of their lives. Our prayers and support are extremely important as persecution against Christians continues to rise.”

One of out every 12 Christians around the world faces persecution, and Christians are oppressed in at least 60 countries.

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