Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

John Hagee on New Law: ‘This Is a Good Step by Trump Administration’

Despite the success of U.S.-led coalition forces against the Islamic State, Christians in the Middle East run the risk of “imminent extinction” due to the “threat of violence, murder, intimidation, prejudice and poverty,” the archbishop of Canterbury recently warned.

Amid their struggles, Middle East Christians and other religious minorities received a boost in recent weeks with the signing into law by U.S. President Donald Trump of the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act, which provides humanitarian relief to genocide victims in Iraq and Syria, and holds accountable Islamic State perpetrators of genocide.

Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, who has been outspoken on the need for the United States to do more to aid Middle East Christians, applauded the law.

“My sincere hope is that through this bill, American assistance will aid those religious groups that suffered so horrendously under the Islamic State, and American and foreign authorities will go after those responsible for the horrors committed by the Islamic State,” he told JNS.

“I don’t know that we can ever say that enough has been done to make up for what these people endured, but this is a good step by the Trump administration,” he added.

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