Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Joe Biden, President of the United States by the Sovereign Will of God

On Nov. 9, 2016, I wrote an article titled, “Donald Trump, President of the United States by the Sovereign Intervention of God,” stating, “I believe Trump has been elected president by divine intervention.” I can now say the same thing about Joe Biden. It is hard to explain him being president without intervention from above, be it as an act of divine blessing or an act of divine judgment.

There are some people, of course, who believe that everything happens by the will of God, which means that whoever wins the presidency wins by God’s express will.

Yet, as I suggested four years ago, “there are times when there are so many odds against something happening, when it so greatly defies logic, that it is easier to recognize God’s involvement.”

I believe that was the case in 2016, and I believe that is the case today.

Simply stated, without the unique events of 2020, it is very unlikely that Joe Biden would be president today. And that’s why I say that Joe Biden is president of the United Stated by the sovereign will of God.

Just think back to the beginning of 2020. It looked as if President Trump would cruise to a victory over whichever Democratic candidate came forward.

He survived the attempt to remove him from office after being impeached, probably strengthening his base in the process. The economy was humming. We were not caught up in any international or even national crises (other than the political divide). Things were looking good.

Then the pandemic came, crippling the economy and shaking the nation with thousands of deaths and endless lockdowns.

Then there was the death of George Floyd, followed by protests and riots across the country and national tensions rising again. And to the extent the left could paint Trump as a white racist, to that extent, he was painted as a big part of the problem. “We must get rid of this evil man!”

As for the rise of Biden, before the South Carolina primaries, he looked dead in the water. AP News even ran a headline Feb. 11, 2020, stating, “Joe Biden looks to South Carolina to resurrect his campaign.”

Then, quite out of the blue, Biden was back in the race, then the frontrunner, then the winner. It’s almost as if someone in his party pushed a button and said, “Bernie Sanders is too radical, so we’ll have to switch things around.” And it was done.

As for the issue of voter fraud, there are clearheaded, well-informed conservatives who are sure there is nothing to the charge of massive voter fraud, and there are clearheaded, well-informed conservatives who hold to the opposite view.

For argument’s sake, though, let’s just say that massive voter fraud did take place. How could I possibly point to divine sovereignty if Biden was fraudulently elected? Wouldn’t this make God complicit in fraud?

Actually, in my view, that’s one of the things that would argue in favor of divine action rather than against it. In other words, if the only way Biden could be elected was by massive fraud and yet God did not cause the fraud to be revealed in a categorical and undeniable way, then He chose to allow it to happen.

The obvious retort is, “But all kinds of terrible, evil things happen every day, including child abuse and rape and murder and torture. Unless you’re a staunch Calvinist who somehow believes God ordains all this, you would simply have to say that the Lord allows evil things to take place because He has given us free will. In the same way, He allowed the election to be stolen just like He allowed the Holocaust and other evil things to happen.”

But that’s why I differ, for at least two reasons.

First, there was unprecedented prayer for the election, beginning months before Nov. 3 and continuing right up until Biden’s inauguration. Surely, if massive fraud was actually there, it would have been easy for God to expose it in a clear and timely way. Yet if the election was, in fact, stolen, no smoking gun ever came to light, despite the massive amount of prayer. (Of course, others would simply say there was no fraud and therefore nothing to expose.)

Second, if God had indeed chosen Trump for specific divine purposes for America, with all the prayer and fasting for this election, and with his base so mobilized, there’s no way he could have been stopped from serving his second term. Certainly the devil is not so powerful as to thwart the Lord’s express will when He sets His mind to act.

That’s why I attribute Joe Biden’s election to divine sovereignty.

But that doesn’t mean his presidency will bring blessing to our nation. To the contrary, it could bring judgment.

It could bring a loss of freedoms (not necessarily because that is his personal agenda but rather because of the larger trajectory of the Democratic Party and the radical left). It could more deeply enshrine Roe v. Wade and make transgender rights the new civil rights issue of our day.

A Biden presidency could hurt our economy. Or open the doors to a flood of illegal immigrants. Or allow for the packing of the Supreme Court or the abolishing of the electoral college or the rise of socialism.

It could threaten Israel’s security and undermine persecuted minorities in other parts of the world.

Or none of those things could happen and Biden (and even Vice President Kamala Harris) could operate under divine restraint, with things shifting back politically in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Or they could experience radical spiritual conversions and point the nation to righteousness.

Then again, even if the radical left pushed America in a very bad direction, that could be the very thing that could bring revival to the church and then awakening to the society.

None of this is set in stone.

The day Trump was elected, I wrote, “If Trump, indeed, is a divine wrecking ball, then he could do as much harm as good, and to the extent that he is appealing to the fears and frustrations and anger of a nation, he is channeling some potentially dangerous emotions.”

Those were some of the dangerous emotions that erupted in Washington on Jan. 6.

I added, “If Trump indeed is president by divine intervention, we should pray for divine restraint on his life as well, lest this divine wrecking ball wreak havoc on the nation while tearing down what is wrong. May he be a divinely guided wrecking ball!”

How much more, then, should we also pray for divine restraint for Biden and Harris?

I encourage you to: 1) Make a list of everything you fear could go wrong under the Biden-Harris leadership and pray for the opposite; 2) Pray daily that the Lord would restrain those whose vision would destroy our nation; 3) Pray that Biden and Harris would have life-changing encounters with the Lord; 4) If the Biden presidency is meant as divine chastisement, pray that we would understand where we need to repent so that mercy may be poured out; and 5) Pray that, no matter what happens, Jesus would be glorified and His kingdom advanced on the earth.

Let us step back and worship God. Let us seek God earnestly and daily. And let us act as His agents in this world without fear or compromise. The times are critical, indeed. {eoa}

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