Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

‘For Such a Time as This’

Nearly a year ago, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States—and what a year it’s been.

Stephen E. Strang, author of the best-selling book God and Donald Trump, wrote extensively about the road to the White House as well as headlines surrounding Trump since he took office. Many evangelicals, the author says, believed Trump was elected for a very specific reason and purpose—for such a time as this.

“My aim in taking on God and Donald Trump was not to write a spiritual biography—that would have been a fairly short book,” Strang said. “Rather, it was an attempt to look at the dramatic events of the 2016 election, and perhaps the most extraordinary candidate in our nation’s history, not through the lens of what happened politically but through the lens of what happened spiritually. I know there are those who will disagree with my premise, but there are many people who are more than a little curious about how this whole episode happened. And it’s for them that I’ve written this book.

“Few people outside the four walls of a church pay much attention to what God is doing in the world,” Strang continued. “To them, acts of God are what you call tornadoes and hurricanes. But is it possible God has a plan for this nation? Is it possible He has a plan for His people? I’ve tried to make the case that President Trump won the evangelical vote by the largest margin in history, because Christians understood that he alone had the leadership skills and the unwavering persistence to reverse the death spiral of our nation.”

Even a year after the presidential inauguration, there are many who are still shocked that Trump came away the victor of the election, Strang added. But many are also pleasantly surprised and enthused about the job he’s done in his first year in office. To a large group of Americans, the inauguration last January was viewed as a turning point in history.

“At first, most Christians didn’t think much of Donald Trump,” he said. “Perhaps they didn’t believe him. But now they’re happy to know he has their back. Not everyone appears so happy about this new Donald Trump, however. If you’re secular, you see the world through a different lens. You may not even believe God exists. And if that’s the case, you feel there’s no reason to be concerned with such things. While people decry ‘the downward spiral,’ calling for restoration and renewal of the culture, the other side had been saying that everything is just fine. When Trump raised concerns about the moral decline in America, he was lampooned by the media as a hypocrite.

“Leftists, meanwhile, were marching in the streets for abortion on demand and celebrating the right to take the life of an unborn child right up to the moment of birth,” Strang added “They were glad same-sex marriage has been validated by the Supreme Court and that marijuana is being legalized in state after state. And when it comes to old-fashioned morality, the mantra of the secular culture these days is simply ‘anything goes.’ But most Americans recognized the problems; they didn’t have to be religious to perceive that something is wrong with the way this country has been going.”

Strang is an award-winning journalist and successful businessman who began his career as a newspaper reporter at the Orlando Sentinel. He later founded a Christian publishing house and media company while interviewing and writing about nearly every Christian leader in the country over the past four decades.

For more information on God and Donald Trump, visit and view the book’s video. Visitors to the site can also download a free chapter and order the book.

God and Donald Trump is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House, which has published books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians, including 14 New York Times best-sellers.

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