Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Brigitte Gabriel: Judge Kavanaugh Vote Is Positive for America

Brigitte Gabriel talks about her book,

New York Times best-selling author Brigitte Gabriel applauded the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation vote today for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh—but it came at a cost.

“While the vote to advance the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh is a positive one for America, it’s hard to cheer a decision that should have taken place prior to the destruction of a man’s life and reputation at the hands of disgraceful Democrats,” Gabriel said. “While our nation takes a step in the right direction with this vote, it does so after permanently tarnishing an honorable man’s good name, traumatizing his children and wounding the principles our judicial system was founded upon.

“As we head toward the midterm election,” she continued, “one thing this fiasco should solidify in the eyes of the objective American public is that the Democrat party has now fully embraced radicalism. They’re a party that believes in ‘guilty until proven innocent’ for all those who refuse to abide by their borderless, lawless and senseless worldview. Stand in their way, and you too will be targeted, regardless of truth, evidence or common decency.”

Gabriel, whose new book, “Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom,” was released Sept. 11, also wrote about the Kavanaugh debacle this morning for


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