Professor Rewrites Bible with Radical Edge

Attempts at rewriting and redefining the text within the Bible continue on what seems like a daily basis these days.

As this attack on the written Word of God continues in an attempt to deceive people as to what is considered righteous by God, few places target the Christian faith the way American universities and some radical professors do.

Recently, University of Dayton professor Esther Brownsmith made the incendiary claim the Bible actually supports transgenderism and that gender is a spectrum, not binary.

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Brownsmith alludes to Joseph being a cross-dresser and says “Deborah led an army, Mordecai breast-fed his cousin Esther and Daniel was probably a eunuch.”

In an opinion piece for the Dayton Daily News as a response to the Ohio legislature overruling Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of a bill that prohibits biological males from competing in women’s sports and restricts sex-change treatments for minors, Brownsmith contradicts the very beliefs of the Catholic Church that runs the university where she works.

“Even God is sometimes described with feminine language, as a midwife or nursing mother. Yes, the Bible was written in a patriarchal time, but it recognizes that people reimagined and reshaped their gender identities back then—just like they do today.”

This case is just one of many in recent years that sees deceived and spiritual misguided people try and wrap the Bible up in the ideologies they believe in, instead of having the Bible shape their belief system according to God’s Word.

“As a professor of Hebrew Bible at the University of Dayton, I believe that Scripture and trans rights are not at odds. To the contrary: the Bible calls for us to support society’s most vulnerable members, and that call has rarely been more urgent,” she continues.

Taking specific texts out of context is a tried and true method of those seeking to undermine the Word of God. Yes, the Bible does say to serve others, minister to the poor, take care of widows and children, but nowhere in it does it say to tolerate sin and accept practices which God find abominable.

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“Most Americans agree that religion should not dictate public policy, but these proposed rules are rooted in ingrained religious biases about gender roles. Those biases are unethical and unbiblical. Our trans neighbors are radiant gifts of God, just like Joseph and Deborah, and they are terrified by our government trying to legislate them out of existence,” she says.

Brownsmith brings up a major fault line in the argument that individuals who believe they are transgender are “gifts of God.” Because it quite literally contradicts the words of the Bible and destroys the narrative that God is a perfect being, incapable of making mistakes.

Transgenders claim to be born in the wrong body, and if they, like all of humanity, are made by God Almighty, then He must have made a mistake. But that argument tears down the entire narrative of a perfect, divine Being, because if God can make one mistake, He would then be able to make other mistakes. The entire biblical narrative comes crashing down in this claim made by many in the LGBTQ community.

That is why it is important for Christians to know what the Bible says and correct those who say differently. Biblical literacy is a necessity to fight against the end times deception that will see many fall away from the faith.

According to Matthew 24:24: “For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

We must guard our hearts against those who would lead us away from the singular path to salvation, which is through Jesus Christ, and Him alone.{eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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