Morning Rundown: Tragic House Fire Kills Pastor, 2 Kids After He Tried to Save Their Lives

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

Tragic House Fire Kills Pastor, 2 Kids After He Tried to Save Their Lives

An Ohio pastor and father of eight died while trying to save his two sons from a fire that engulfed their family home in Orient shortly after midnight Tuesday.

Pastor Mark Robinette is being remembered as a hero after saving his wife and two children from a house fire.

“He pushed some of them out the window but he was determined he was going to get them all out and if there was a way he would have,” Mark’s brother-in-law, Geoffrey Trapani, told WBNS-TV.

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Isaiah Saldivar and Bill Wiese on the Reality of Hell

If you’ve ever questioned the reality of hell’s torment and the agony experienced there, Bill Wiese has seen the actual pain and suffering of what hell is like after his horrifying encounter.

“On Nov. 23, 1998, God gave me an experience that changed my life,” Wiese told Isaiah Saldivar in a recent livestream. “This was not a near-death experience, but this was an out-of-body experience that’s classified as a vision in the Bible in 2 Corinthians 12:2 when Paul was caught up in heaven in a vision.”

“Suddenly I was pulled out of my body like being drawn up out of your body and I saw my body fall to the floor and I started tumbling down this long tunnel and it was getting hotter and hotter and I landed on an actual stone floor in a prison cell in hell,” Wiese added.

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3 Ways You Can Know a Breakthrough Is Near for 2024

God showed me three ways to know that a breakthrough is near for 2024.

1. You feel the deficit of what you need on a core level. It’s as though God is digging a hole in your soul for Himself, and you feel empty in an area and need him to fill you.

The first sign that breakthrough is near is when you feel a deep deficit on a core level of what you need. It’s as if God is digging a hole in your soul, creating a void that only He can fill. This emptiness often leaves you yearning for His presence and intervention. The Bible speaks to this experience in Psalm 42:1-2 (NIV), which says, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” When you’re in this place of longing and emptiness, it’s a sure sign that God is preparing to fill you with His abundance.

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