Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

New Film Blows the Cover Wide Open on America’s Biggest Serial Killer

Kermit Gosnell

The movie, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, depicts the true story of Kermit Gosnell and his Philadelphia abortion facility that killed babies in a live-birth abortion process.

In May 2013, Gosnell was convicted of first-degree murder, conspiracy to kill and involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was convicted of the murders of three infants and involuntary manslaughter after a botched abortion attempt killed a woman from an inhumanely administered drug overdose. Gosnell was also charged with 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law. Gosnell is currently serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole.

Operating under the cover of providing “reproductive health services,” Gosnell brutally executed hundreds of live babies by stabbing them in their necks and severing spinal cords with scissors and knives. The remains of 47 aborted babies ranging in age from 12 weeks to late second trimester and beyond the 24-week ceiling under Pennsylvania’s abortion law were found in makeshift containers throughout his facility.

“This movie depicts the true story of an abortionist who killed babies without giving it a second thought,” said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Tragically, there are still abortionists all across America, dismembering and decapitating unborn babies for huge financial profit. It’s time to stop committing human genocide in this nation now and make the womb a safe place again. The first step is understanding the reality of abortion and this movie is an excellent depiction of that,” said Staver.

Liberty Counsel continues to defend Sandra Merritt, a journalist whose undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood’s unethical and potentially illegal profiteering from the sale of aborted baby body parts. Merritt faces 15 felony charges, brought by Attorney General Becerra to punish Merritt for her undercover work. Documents show both Becerra and his predecessor, now Senator Kamala Harris, received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood. In addition, when the “investigation” began under then-AG Harris, the attorney general’s office has maintained an ongoing financial, political and close working relationship with executive officers and employees of various Planned Parenthood entities.

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