Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Robbie Seay Band | Sparrow Records

The Robbie Seay Band’s new release, Miracle, is based on what God is doing in lives at Ecclesia Church Houston, where the band serves weekly. Seay leads the vocals with his recognizable, raspy voice, and this collection offers songs that express authentically the gamut of emotions that are real in everyday life.

“In some ways, this record reflects the past year for us, representing a boarder journey and reality,” Seay explains. “From the deepest depths of sorry and angst to the greatest moments of celebration in Scripture, the band strikes up, and it’s beautiful to be part of that. Each song seems to echo what God is doing among us, that this is not a me-centered life we’re living. … We are not alone.”

Seay says the title track is in response to devastating news. One of his closest friends called to tell Seay his wife had cancer. It didn’t look good, he said, but the family was believing for a miracle. Seay says he wrote the lyrics the following day. He prayed. Others prayed and believed. But Kristy, wife and mother of three young boys, died two months later.

“The song is not a promise of a miracle,” Seay explains. “It is, however, the declaration that we all will find ourselves in great need of one at some point in our lives, and in those moments, we choose to believe even when we can’t see our hands in front of our face.”

“Awaken My Soul” is the prodigal story from Seay’s perspective. “The song is really more about the Father’s response. God not only waits with forgiveness, He pursues us. His rescue follows us closely.”

“Lament (We Cannot Wait)” is a prayer for God’s grace, written as an expression of grief. When the son of a member of Ecclesia Church was shot and killed, the entire community grieved with the single mother. Seay says this song became the cry for their church and their city.

Although some tracks are expressions from sorrow, other songs express worship for God’s gift of redemption. The upbeat “Crazy Love” Seay says emphasizes second chances, especially when it comes to relationships. “By God’s grace, He can salvage a crazy love and reunite what has been lost for all of us.”

“Kingdom and a King” reminds us that it’s not about our plans and dreams. It’s about Him and His kingdom, about serving, giving, loving and praying. “My hope,” Seay says, “is that this song, even in a small way, becomes a catalyst for His kingdom overriding our own.”

Miracle reflects real life—where our faith is tested, but also where we can cry out for God while trusting and celebrating Him for His grace, mercy and love.

Click here to purchase this CD.

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