Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Joyce Meyer: Reaching a New Generation

Joyce Meyer lends her voice as Miss Ruby the Lioness in What About Me!?

For decades Joyce Meyer has helped adults learn about God and His Word through her books and teaching. She is now also focusing on reaching a younger generation and has joined the cast of Pahappahooey Island as Miss Ruby the Lioness. Her first episode, What About Me!? is based on her most popular teachings. Meyer talked with The Buzz about her new passion to help children and her involvement with this DVD series.

The Buzz: You’re reaching a new generation through the children’s series Pahappahooey Island. What drew you to this particular project?

Joyce Meyer: I want to help as many people as I can, all over the world, but usually my teaching is geared toward adults. So being part of a children’s program was an exciting opportunity to really target kids with the same messages God has given me for adults, in a way that younger people can relate to.

The truth is, whatever I’m teaching to adults also applies to kids because it’s about people learning how to live the way God wants us to live. And the sooner people start living for God, the sooner they can have real relationship with Him and be healthy, whole, joyful Christians.

The Buzz: Tell me about your character in the film.

Meyer: Miss Ruby is a lioness and the “Keeper of the Book” that holds the Creator’s words. Her goal is to guide the characters (Ali and her friends) in their quest to find it. She’s full of wisdom and her main message in this story is that they can’t go it alone and succeed in finding the treasure, so they need to think of others and work together to overcome the trouble that comes their way. She’s strong and positive, reminding them several times that “you’re better together!”

She’s also kind of stylish, with her dangly earrings and the sparkly jewels on her clothes—a lioness after my own heart!

The Buzz: What do you most want children to learn from this story?

Meyer: At one point in the story, Miss Ruby tells one of the characters, “You’ve been thinking a whole lot about yourself and less than a little about everyone else.” People are so naturally self-centered, and children are especially this way because their world usually revolves around them. They’re not as focused on doing things for others or taking care of someone else. I hope that through this program, they will have their eyes opened more to the importance of appreciating the people in their lives and seeing ways God can use them to help or bless someone else.

The Buzz: Relating to this film, and in general, what do you most hope children would know and understand about God?

Meyer: I didn’t really experience the love of God and His acceptance of me when I was a child. In fact, I was afraid of authority most of the time growing up, and it made my life very difficult as an adult for a long time. I want to help children understand that God loves them, unconditionally, and help them see themselves the way He sees them—fearfully and wonderfully made with great plans for their life.

The Buzz: Do you have a message for parents?

Meyer: Don’t underestimate your children’s ability to understand the Word of God and His love for them. It’s so important that we take advantage of every opportunity we can to “train up a child in the way he should go” [see Prov. 22:6]. But it’s easy to feel discouraged with parenting, like you make a lot of mistakes and don’t see much or any positive fruit in your kids’ behavior. But don’t give in to this feeling. God’s love can reach your children through you! And if you’re asking Him to help you, it’s probably happening a lot more than you realize.

The Buzz: Is there anything else God is laying on your heart to share in general or as it relates to this DVD?

Meyer: This lesson in the What About Me!? story is so important for every person, no matter how old they are. When I finally saw the truth about myself, how I was too “me-minded” and not focused on others the way God wanted me to be, I had a breakthrough and was able to get free of a lot of stress and frustration. It is a joyful thing to serve and bless other people. Becoming a selfless person delivered me from me in a lot of ways. And it’s added more happiness to my life than I ever experienced before. It’s made me wonder what the world would be like if more people actually lived this way too. … And for many, getting there is just a matter of understanding where they are and what they need. John 3:30 says that God must increase and be prominent, and we must decrease. Our prayer should be, “More of You, Jesus, and less of me!”

To order Pahappahooey Island: What About Me!? featuring Joyce Meyer as Miss Ruby, click here.

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