Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

John and Stasi Eldredge: ‘Love & War’


John and Stasi Eldredge, known individually for their previous books addressing men’s and women’s issues, unite as co-authors for their new book, Love & War: Finding the Marriage You Dreamed Of.

As the couple entered what seems to be a new chapter in their ministry, John initially expressed reluctance to the idea of a book about marriage.

“This is the last thing we wanted to do,” he said. “Can you imagine writing a marriage book with your spouse? But it was a conversational prayer, where we were praying about the next thing that was on our heart and where we felt God was moving us to. Much to our surprise, it was marriage.”

Although they “came into it kicking and screaming,” John said, the couple was able to offer a unique take on the subject, which is not a book of “tips and techniques” or a “seminar in print form.”

“It’s a marriage book, like Wild At Heart was a men’s book or Captivating was a women’s book,” he said. “It’s really trying to get back to the heart of marriage and what God put in our hearts as men and women and why it’s love and war.”

Stasi, who said the book is “very honest, vulnerable and real,” added that the title means that “every person’s marriage is a love story, and it’s set in the midst of war. Sometimes it’s our spouse that we’re warring with.”

John hopes the book is able to reach new readers with a message that can apply to a wider section of society. “It is kind of a turn of events for us,” he said. “It’s an opportunity, frankly, for evangelism, for us to bring the hope of the resurrection side of the gospel to people who wouldn’t have necessarily sought out a Christian answer to things. You start talking about marriage, and can you name one person’s marriage who doesn’t need help?”

The Eldredges nearly gave up on their own marriage a few times over the years. In this book, they share how they fought their way back from the brink of divorce and grew a rich, fulfilling relationship. It wasn’t easy for them to share openly and honestly about their marriage, but they tell their story to help others.

“John and I have been married over 26 years now, and I can honestly tell you that it just gets better and better,” Stasi says. “It has cost me. It has cost John. It continues to. But so does every great, priceless, beautiful treasure that is worth having.”

Click here to read an excerpt from Love & War. Click here to purchase this book.

Photo credit: Joel Stayer

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