Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Joel Osteen Celebrates Massive Milestone at Lakewood Church

Joel Osteen (Screenshot, Lakewood Church YouTube Channel)

Joel Osteen celebrated his latest milestone at Lakewood Church this past Sunday.

Osteen’s latest message was the 1,000th sermon he’s preached since taking the position as Pastor of Lakewood Church in 1999 after his father’s death. This comes right after the 65th anniversary of the church.

In a special video message, Osteen admits that he tried at first to be like his father when he took the position as pastor. However, he says one day while reading in the book of Acts God helped direct him toward his distinct purpose.

“I tried to be like my dad,” Osteen says. “I was reading the Scripture six months later. It was in the book of Acts, and it says that ‘David fulfilled his purpose for his generation.’ And I felt like God said to me, ‘Joel, your dad fulfilled his purpose. Quit trying to be like him and just be who I’ve called you to be and fulfill your purpose.’”

“I still get overwhelmed,” Osteen says. “It’s just the greatness of our God. I just keep using that phrase, ‘who would’ve ever thought that this would happen?’”

Osteen also credits the sovereignty of God as the reason why he has seen such miraculous growth in the church over the years.

“So much of this is the sovereignty of God,” Osteen says. “Some of it is just the sovereignty of God. You just step into blessings that God has preordained for you.”

He further describes how he asks the Lord frequently to search his heart and see if he is pursuing opportunities for the correct reasons.

Getting into the main part of his message, Osteen focused on Deuteronomy 1:11 and the concept of “a thousand times more.”

Deuteronomy 1:11 reads: “May the LORD, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times more numerous and bless you, just as He has promised you!”

From this Scripture, Osteen told the congregants that God can also do abundant things with their lives as well.

“I can tell you today on my 1,000th message that we serve a God who can make you a 1,000 times more than you are,” Osteen says.

Osteen used this milestone to encourage Lakewood to believe God for greater miracles and to seek the Lord above all else with a heart of humility.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

Abby Trivett is copywriter for Charisma and an editorial intern.

By Abby Trivett

Abby Trivett is copywriter for Charisma and an editorial intern.

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