Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
your time

your time
By Joel Osteen | Free Press | hardcover | 320 pages | $25

In It’s Your Time, Joel Osteen’s follow-up to his 2007 Become a Better You, the best-selling author delivers a message of encouragement for readers struggling in an uncertain economic climate. Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, said his new book has been influenced by people he has encountered at church and around the country.

“People need hope and inspiration more than principles right now,” he said. “The purpose of this book is to jumpstart your faith and get us to believing again.”

Combating what he sees as “so much negativity in the world today,” Osteen said It’s Your Time is a little different from his previous release—focusing more on encouraging stories than “principles and how-to’s.” The new book is intended to “let people know that new seasons are coming. God will take care of us in the midst of difficult times.”

Osteen began working on the book two years ago, doing a “little bit on it each week” while addressing the subject in sermons and lessons. Although intended to provide hope for those who struggling, the author also believes the book will be a help to others.

“It’s not just for the type of people that are really down and out, but I think it could help anybody,” he said. “[It’s for people who need to say]: ‘I think I will see more of God’s favor when I believe, when I trust, [when I] just do some simple things.’ ”

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