Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

It May Be Time to Increase Your Spiritual Bandwidth

As I began to think about our relationship with the Holy Spirit, I thought about a recent issue we have been experiencing. Over the last couple of weeks, we have had trouble streaming our Sunday in-person broadcasts because the building where we are holding services is a very dense and solid structure. Recently, during one of our Sunday livestreams, the broadcast experienced a lot of freezing due to the building itself coupled with the flow of rain that persisted throughout the morning. In checking with internet providers to see what we could do to get a better reception with our present circumstances in mind, we were able to learn a few things.

We found that our bandwidth, (the maximum amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time) could be increased so that our broadcast streamed more smoothly. To further explain, bandwidth is often mistaken for internet speed when it is actually “the volume of information that can be sent over a connection in a measured amount of time.”

With these facts about bandwidth and speed in mind, I am reminded that time is a key factor in being able to effectively communicate and execute vision, accomplish tasks and fulfill purpose. Our present internet challenges have also made me realize some key things as it relates to the Holy Spirit and this next move of God that I believe will be taking place in the earth.

It’s no secret that there is something brewing in the heavenly realm, and if we don’t want to miss it, we need to understand bandwidth. If you notice, the key factors in our previous definition of bandwidth are speed, capacity and information. Speed is the amount of time it takes for the information to transmit, and capacity is the ability to receive the information being transmitted and the volume of information we can receive. I’d like to relate these three concepts of speed, capacity and information to more universal terms that can be applied anywhere in our lives: time, space and matter.

Please note that anything that is manifested in the physical realm has no space, time or matter in its spiritual state. This is why spiritual things are not limited by time, space and matter, and neither is God. Although God is not limited by time, space and matter, we are. Our ability to achieve results in life and be in sync with the Holy Spirit will be determined by our ability to understand, utilize and maximize time, space and matter, the three of which I am paralleling with speed, capacity and information. With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can maximize and even transcend them all.

The Holy Spirit gives us the capacity to do what we need to do in the time that we need to do it. “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. … All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (Acts 2:1, 4; NIV).

The Holy Spirit is an enabler. He is here to enable us to do some amazing things!

Join me for the rest of this message at Mastering Your Message with Dr. Kish on the Charisma Podcast Network as I provide illustrations, Scriptures and analogies to help this revelation be imparted unto you and to prove to you the limitless possibilities we have when we partner with the Holy Spirit.

This is the second part of an article series; you can read the first part here or check out the full article at {eoa}

Read articles like this one and other Spirit-led content in our new platform, CHARISMA PLUS.

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