IHOPKC Update: Ministry Vows to Make Changes Amid Scandal

In an update to the International House of Prayer Kansas City community, the ministry’s new interim executive, General Kurt Fuller, says that a lack of leadership training has dominated the issues currently surrounding the prayer room, and that these leadership issues will be addressed immediately.

“I do believe that the purpose of this ministry was and is inspired by God,” Fuller said. “And that in order to enter into all that He has for us we’ve got to evolve and we’ve got to be willing to make some changes.”

“One of the key opportunities that I’ve seen here is that this base has a lack of solid leadership training and really no formal leader development programs. We need to fix this starting now. And it’s going to take time and resources and organizational energy but it’s critical for our corporate health,” Fuller added.

Fuller sees that absolutely no one should be placed in a leadership position if they do not possess the character and competency qualities required to lead well.

“We should never put anyone in a leadership position at any level who doesn’t have the character and competence that are required to lead effectively,” Fuller said.

Fuller also explained how placing people in leadership positions without training is destined to fail.

“To thrust anyone into a role like that without proper training and preparation is a recipe for failure. So, it’s very clear to me from the many examples of hurtful experiences that have been shared with me, they’re a direct result of this dynamic.

“I don’t believe that anybody intended to hurt anyone or intended to wound others, but many staff members were simply not trained in proper leadership principles,” he added.

Fuller shared that part of this updated leadership training will include identifying misconduct, how to carefully report these events and for how to respond.

This update comes after Misty Edwards, known for her worship leading at IHOPKC, shared an “Appeal and Protest Statement,” which was a collaborative document response of the ‘Jane Does’ in the Mike Bickle investigation. In this document, Edwards shared how there had been women falsely identified as victims by the advocate group.

“While a narrative has been presented of many female victims whom the “advocate” group is representing, the true story that has not come out is how many of those victims were involuntarily labelled that and had narratives constructed by others forced upon our lives, that we have been forced to defend ourselves from. This has been painful, humiliating, and traumatizing to all of us.” The document read.

Fuller’s message also comes shortly after Eric Volz, the managing director of the David House Agency, gave an update to the IHOPKC community stating that the statistical number of incidents during IHOPKC’s existence has been very low, however, there have been cases that were not handled properly. All of these updates come following from IHOPKC’s formal and permanent separation from Mike Bickle.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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