How You Can Build a Faith-Foundation for Life’s Decisions

Wisdom and knowledge are great gifts from God. We must ask for wisdom and knowledge from the Lord. Wisdom comes from quality experiences combined with gained knowledge. Knowledge comes from our education, training, skills and practical understanding of something. Both are needed to experience what God desires for us.

We need to examine the two types of knowledge available to us. The first is secular knowledge; the second is spiritual knowledge. Both of these are necessary in our life.

God’s Word tells us to grow in our wisdom and knowledge of Him. The Bible explains the benefit of growing in knowledge and wisdom. As we read God’s Word, we will receive greater wisdom and knowledge.

Have you ever made a financial decision you regretted? Mistakes of the past are the launching pads for greater decisions. A bad financial decision will help you make better decisions in the future. I suggest that you make a list of your mistakes in financial decisions. Now prepare a list of your successful financial decisions. Read Proverbs 3, and you will experience how this Scripture will direct your future decision-making.

We need faith to make great decisions. Faith is the foundation of decision-making that will obtain great results. In addition, developing trust in the Lord is the only way to make prosperous decisions. Never trust exclusively in your finances. When making financial decisions, we must never forget to be generous to those in need. Faith and generosity will build a great foundation to make great decisions. {eoa}

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