Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How Hollywood’s Hottest Trainer Encountered The Real and Living God

Alec Penix, aka Alec the Trainer

Up until five years ago, Alec Penix says he had darkened the church door maybe once. But all that changed when he encountered the Lord after the wedding of Carlos and Alexa Pena-Vega.

“I identify it as me being spiritually malnourished,” Penix tells “C-Pop,” the Christian pop-culture podcast. “I was in a state of disposition of low spirits for most of my 20s to figure things out, searching and having a sense of curiosity. That’s the one gift God really gave me … to be able to really tap into that curiosity.”

Penix embraced the lackadaisical faith approach through the Pena-Vega wedding, when everything changed.

“I woke up, feeling terrible and not feeling myself at all. I was probably in one of the darkest places in my life, and I tell people that this was probably the first time I’ve ever prayed out loud. I called out for God’s help, saying, ‘I need your help!’

“Then—this is where people think I’m crazy—but I heard a voice, and it said, ‘Alec, it’s time for you to become the man I’ve called you to be.'”

Listen to the podcast to hear what happened next.

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