Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

‘Tis the Season to Treasure and Ponder

In your hearts, ponder the meaning of the nativity this Christmas season.

“But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19).

Imagine that you are a young girl who is privileged to carry the Son of God in your womb. You have traveled 100 miles at the tail end of your pregnancy. You go into labor as you reach Bethlehem, but there is no room anywhere for you and your kind husband, Joseph, to spend the night. You are offered a stable. A stable! It isn’t the way you thought it would be. Aren’t you giving birth to the King of kings and Lord of lords? Is this what God considers best for His Son?

That is how I would have been thinking, but I’m not sure that’s what Mary was thinking. You see, Mary had seen an angel who told her that she was highly favored. And she believed.

Then in humiliation, she faced a divorce, even though it would have been done quietly. But Joseph had a dream in which God assured him of Mary’s purity and gave him a name for the baby. And Joseph believed.

As Mary was relaxing after giving birth, shepherds arrived and told their story of angels appearing in the fields singing about her Son. The shepherds were told that a Savior had been born and they could find Him in a manger. And the shepherds believed.

Did Mary hear the angels singing while giving birth? Could she tell that she was cradling God Almighty, Emmanuel? Did she understand the miracles of Elizabeth’s baby born in old age or her own conception as a virgin? Was she delighted or confused when the shepherds worshipped her baby? Though there were challenges, Mary’s Christmas adventure was covered with the fingerprints of God. He exalted the humble. He fulfilled His promises. And she was part of it. What did she do?

Mary treasured all these things. She saw them as valuable, amazing and full of wonder. She thought about these things over and over. I’m sure she discussed them with the Lord and constantly thanked Him for allowing her to be part of His Grand Design to save mankind.

This is the perfect time to reread the Christmas story and really think about it. To notice every miracle. To stand still in wonder. To be thrilled and delighted. This Christmas, let the nativity story sing into our hearts.

Like Mary’s, our lives are filled with joys, sorrows, adventures, delights and trials. At every turn, we encounter the goodness of God, whether we notice His kindness or not. Imitate Mary by treasuring and pondering. Think about, or better yet, make a list of all the ways God has shown His mercy, kindness and grace in your life.

Treasure these things. Thank the Lord over and over for these things. Think about how Jesus has invaded your life, rescued you from sin as a Savior and led you on a life journey as your Good Shepherd. That’s worth pausing to treasure and ponder.

Merry Christmas! Oh, and I have a gift for you! Our family’s Christmas Devotions—free! You can download Curtis Family Christmastime Devotions at {eoa}

Meredith Curtis, pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom of five amazing children, has been married to her college sweetheart, Mike Curtis, for 31 years. She loves Jesus, leads worship, homeschools, writes, mentors ladies and sometimes even cooks dinner! She is the author of Joyful and Successful Homeschooling, and several high school classes and Bible studies. She and Mike are founders of the Finish Well Conference, a Christian conference aimed at equipping families to disciple their children to be world changers.

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