Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Rekindling Your Loyalty to Royalty This Christmas

Three wise men

The holidays are around the corner, with all the festivities and traditions we participate in. It’s a time of year where I like to look again at what the Bible says about Jesus, as there are some things our culture takes for granted or espouses that may not align with what the true story of Christmas shows us.

The Magi came from the east with a large caravan, asking, “Where is the new king of the Jews?” This alarmed the city, as well as King Herod and the Jewish religious leaders, who were aware of the written prophecies concerning the Messiah (Matt. 2:3).

These wise men acknowledged Jesus as King and were theologians and astronomers, aware of the signs that would be revealed when the Messiah was born. Coming from the East, they were perhaps from the discipleship lineage of Daniel, who prophesied about the Son of Man, who was given dominion and glory and an everlasting kingdom, in Dan. 7:13-14.

These kings more than likely had the Torah in their possession and possibly correlated Num. 24:17 to the star they saw from the East. With the Scriptures they had and knowing the prophecies of Daniel, upon seeing the star, they embarked on a long journey that led them to Jerusalem, where they were provided more insight on where they were to find the Christ child as the chief priests and scribes quoted Mic. 5:2 (Matt. 2:4-12).

Then the Magi, with their caravan, saw the star above a house in Bethlehem and with great excitement, they entered Jesus’ home, giving Him gifts fit for a king and worshipping Him. They did not bring gifts for Herod, who was appointed king by Rome. Their gifts to Jesus were not in the gift boxes we see in the traditional nativity scenes, but were instead extravagant gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, carried by camels and servants and perhaps set up for display after they arrived in Jesus’ home. The gifts were representative of the nations coming to Jesus and were an abundance.

Jesus was born king, and near the end of His ministry, He acknowledged his royalty. Luke 23:3 shows Pilate asking him, “‘Are you the King of the Jews?'” and Jesus said, “‘You truly say so.'”

After His death and resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven and sat down at His rightful throne, as Hebrews 1:3 says, “He is the brightness of His glory, the express image of Himself, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had by Himself purged our sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”

This Christmas, we can be assured that Jesus was born king and is king, who reflected the glory of God and holds everything together. Our loyalty is to royalty, knowing that He fulfilled over 350 prophecies and is the “ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5b).

Over the holidays, meditate on these Scriptural truths:

1. Jesus is seated at God’s right hand, and our affections are to be on Him. Col. 3:1 says, “If you were then raised with Christ, desire those things which are above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God.”

2. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, and our loyalty is to royalty. Eph. 2:6 says, “And he [God] raised us up and seated us together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Who we are is determined by whose we are; we are children of the king, seated with Him.

3. Jesus is coming back as King. Upon His return, Rev. 19:16 says, “On His robe and on His thigh He has a name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

This Christmas, rekindle your loyalty to royalty, and celebrate Him as king with your friends and family. {eoa}

Jared Laskey is starting Destiny Open Bible Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is a M.Div. candidate at Regent University with a M.A in Christian Ministry from Shepherds Theological Seminary in Cary, North Carolina (2016) and a B.S. in Pastoral Studies from Eugene Bible College, Oregon (2003). He lives to see Jesus awaken this generation to the power of His Holy Spirit. You can follow him on Twitter @jaredalaskey, or contact him through his website,

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