Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How the Devil Uses Halloween to Attack Your Children

Child in mask

Some parents believe the day is a harmless celebration intended only for fun. But beware, the enemy will use any opportunity to deceive and assault your children.

Do demons really want to harm my child? The answer is yes. Demons really do want to harm our children and they may use ghosts and goblins to gain access. The greatest danger to children comes from an unseen force. It is Satan and his army of darkness. This evil spiritual army is obsessed with and completely focused on keeping as many men, women and children eternally separated from the love of God and the saving grace of Jesus. We must not assume that our children are not a threat to darkness. The enemy’s purpose is to grip and blind every generation, establishing strongholds in the lives of our children from a very young age.

God created mankind because He has a Father’s heart and He wanted children to love. Just as earthly fathers and mothers long to have children born out of loving relationship, our heavenly Father also yearns for relationship with us, His children. Therefore, from the time we are conceived, through birth and throughout our lives, the enemy will set up traps, snares, and schemes in order to keep us bound to lies of darkness and paralyzed from reaching our fullest kingdom potential.

He is a predator looking to kill, steal, and destroy all that God wants to release in our lives.

We would all agree that at our time in history darkness is alive and well. I do not say this to generate fear. Nor do I believe that Satan is as powerful as our Lord—absolutely not. But we live in a dark time in history, and the following statistics from the Teen Mania website prove that this is the case. This generation is in great need of the truth.

• Ninety-one percent say there is no absolute truth.

• Seventy-five percent of teens in America believe the central message of the Bible is, “God helps those who help themselves.”

• Fifty-three percent believe Jesus committed sin (40 percent of born-again teens believe Jesus committed sin).

This younger generation is seeking. They are going to see, experience, and be a part of the most strategic and intense times in the history of the Christian church. They are going to witness firsthand amazing events unfold in our world and miraculous signs and wonders that even the prophets of the Bible wrote about. But there is a battle of darkness raging to keep them out of the light and in deception.

I love what Paul wrote to his spiritual son Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:11–14, 20, as he obviously knew the dangers that his spiritual son would face and instructed him on how to rise above the traps of the world and the enemy.

Paul exhorts Timothy to flee evil, including all the temptations of money and all the evils associated with it, to pursue righteousness and fight the good fight of faith. Reading these verses causes me to ponder.

Our children, or those raised in the church, are normally taught to flee evil and to follow after righteousness. But I question how well we have done fighting on behalf of our youth and teaching them how to fight the good fight of faith.

The Greek word for fight in this scripture is agonizimai. It means “to enter a contest, to contend with adversaries, struggles and dangers.”

Contend means “to struggle in opposition”; “to wrestle, grapple, battle, fight, compete, argue, wrangle, hold and claim.” Isn’t this what we do in battles with our adversary? We wrestle in battle to fight the competition and struggle against all the arguments of darkness, disputing their hold and taking hold and claiming our freedom and inheritance in the kingdom of God.

Paul understood this. He told Timothy to keep the deposit entrusted to him. Friends, it is our responsibility to guard and keep what God has entrusted to us. We have to step into the knowledge of how to guard and keep not only for our personal lives but also for the lives of our children.


Rebecca Greenwood is the founder and president of Christian Harvest International and the author of Let Our Children Go, which this article was excerpted.

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