Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Happy Spouse … Happy House


By Pat and Ruth Williams with Dave Wimbish | Standard Publishing | softcover | 224 pages | $14.99

Author and sports executive Pat Williams, and his wife, Ruth, offer marital advice in Happy Spouse … Happy House: The BEST Game Plan for a Winning Marriage. “BEST” is an acronym for the plan’s four key verbs: Bless, Edify, Share and Touch.

The authors devote several chapters to each action with generally overlapping guidelines. For example, one way a husband can bless his wife is to show affection; but she might equate affection with his sharing her burdens or touching her emotionally. Though most of the principles apply to both spouses, Pat usually speaks to the male reader, while Ruth’s intermittent segments target wives. One section perhaps belongs in a different book—the authors devote nearly a chapter to choosing the right mate, a decision most readers would most likely have already made.

Most of the advice will be familiar to readers of marriage books, but the couple offers their own unique slant on the marriage relationship to keep it from becoming cliché. The understated premise of the authors’ qualification to write on this topic is that they have between them 19 children and both work in full-time careers requiring travel.

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