I remember learning about George Washington Carver when I was in elementary school. I don’t recall all the facts, but I have had a deep respect for him ever since.
One thing I didn’t know was that Carver became a Christian as a young boy, and his faith was the foundation of his life.
The well-made documentary George Washington Carver: An Uncommon Way, narrated by Voddie Bachman Jr., shares his journey out of slavery and how he overcame numerous obstacles to pursue his passion of learning and then teaching. Carver believed in a mighty Creator, and his faith made him a man of great character. He faced racial discrimination, but he rose above it and didn’t allow it to make him bitter. He also loved to help people, no matter who they were. Everything Carver pursued was in an effort to serve others.
Carver is an example to us all—he not only persevered through overwhelming circumstances, but he also lived with faith, honor and integrity, and he served people throughout his life.
George Washington Carver: An Uncommon Way is a great choice for audiences of all ages. Click here to purchase this DVD.