Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

From Suicide to Saved: How Jesus Can Bring Supernatural Restoration

Editor’s note: If you are in crisis, please call 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org. You are not alone.

The power of God comes upon people’s lives to transform them. When God finds a life, it is usually in difficulty and even turmoil. A person walks many miles on the legs of their own strength to only find that they have no strength at all.

I came to a point where I was at the end of myself. My life was destroyed by the power of sin and death. The enemy haunted me. Indeed, I was a broken man who had no hope for a better day. In the middle of a suicide attempt, Jesus spoke to me and said that He had a plan for my life. This was a Jeremiah 29:11 moment. That Scripture says, “For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

This recent episode of From the Mountaintop on the Charisma Podcast Network talks about the power of God to change lives. God wants to touch your life. I don’t know what you are going through today, but I know the God who is there with you right now. Perhaps you haven’t chatted with Him lately, but really, He is one prayer away from you. Just ask Him to touch your circumstances. I can assure you that He will.

God wants to heal your life and to bring peace. He wants to restore your family and all your relationships. He wants to restore the foundations of your life and give you hope for a better future. When God is in your life, the days become brighter, even when there are storms. I have had many storms come since the day I confessed Jesus as my Savior, but He has been with me through everything.

And I declare that He will heal your life and bring peace. Even now, the Holy Spirit is there with you, changing the atmosphere of your life. Get ready for your new moment. Get ready for your new day. You will succeed, and you will overcome, just as Jesus overcame.

So listen to this podcast episode and be encouraged today. {eoa}

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