Former Leader of Hamas Calls for Global Protests on Friday the 13th

A lot has happened throughout the world in less than a week.

Israel and Hamas are now engaged in a formal war with no end in sight.

The nation of Israel and her leadership have repeated their intent is the utter destruction of Hamas, and nothing less.

Protests across the globe have erupted both for Israel and against Israel. For Hamas, and against Hamas.

Currently, the Israeli Defense Force has surrounded Gaza in southern Israel and plans on a ground assault in the near future.

There are also fears of a second front being opened up in northern Israel should the terror group Hezbollah decide to launch an offensive against Israel from Lebanon.

As dire of a situation as this is, it could pale in comparison to the events that may occur Friday, Oct. 13.

In a recorded statement, former leader of Hamas Khaled Meshaal issued a call-to-action for Muslims across the world, and for neighboring Islamic countries join in the war against Israel.

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The recorded statement was sent to Reuters who published it:

“[We must] head to the squares and streets of the Arab and Islamic world on Friday,” Meshaal, was the leader of the political wing of Hamas from 1996 to 2017, says in the statement.

“Tribes of Jordan, sons of Jordan, brothers and sisters of Jordan… This is a moment of truth and the borders are close to you, you all know your responsibility,” he continues.

“To all scholars who teach jihad… to all who teach and learn, this is a moment for the application (of theories),” Meshaal adds.

The last line set the media world ablaze.

Many have accused Meshaal’s message to be one of global jihad, not of peaceful protests.

Regardless of his intent, billions around the world have now heard his message that soared through media channels.

Already patrolling pro-Palestinian protests in major cities such as London, Paris and New York City, police forces around the world are on high alert for any potential violence that may occur from Meshaal’s message.

As armored personnel carriers surround the Gaza Strip in preparation for a ground assault, awaiting the go ahead from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the War Cabinet, Israeli leaders are holding fast to their goals of eradicating the terrorist network who slaughtered over a thousand of their people. God’s people.

In the meantime, millions of Christians and Jews worldwide are praying for the peace of Israel, holding fast to the Word of God and His instructions on praying for and blessing the nation He chose to be His own.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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