Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Forgiveness in Action: The Heart of Texas


I thought I knew what to expect when I sat down to watch the documentary The Heart of Texas (Media Tech). But this story goes beyond what I imagined. It’s not just a story about someone who chose to forgive. It is a story of forgiveness, love and compassion demonstrated tangibly.

Grove “Grover” Norwood is a kind, hardworking, giving, loving man. He is a family man who loves his wife, Jill, and their children, Graham and Joy. Grover is highly respected and deeply loved.

This larger-than-life guy is always looking for ways to help others, even strangers. One day on his way home from church, he passes a church and sees a group of men standing outside.

He senses that they have a problem, so he stops to see what he can do. Someone has stolen the church’s air conditioner, ripping a hole in the wall. Grover pays for the repairs.

Grover’s stop at the church leads to his meeting a member of the church, Ulice Parker. Ulice is also a well-respected, loving and kind man. He and Grover develop a friendship, and their families become family to each other. Grover always makes sure the Parkers have what they need, helping them however he can. He is especially concerned about the condition of their home, and knows he has to make it better, safer, livable.

But then tragedy strikes. The Norwoods’ daughter is killed in a hit-and-run accident. Authorities soon discover that it was Ulice who had unknowingly killed Joy.

Grover’s response of love and forgiveness is overwhelming. When he finds out Ulice has caused his daughter’s death, his first response is compassion for his friend. He immediately calls the Parkers’ home. But he doesn’t stop there. He buys clothes for Ulice and his wife to wear to Joy’s funeral and makes sure they are seated on the front row—a place traditionally reserved for family.

Grover’s constant friendship sets an example to his family and friends. As a viewer, you will also be inspired by his demonstrations of love and kindness.

Grover is not the only one who inspired me. Hearing Jill, Joy’s mother, talk about her journey through this terrible tragedy was especially moving. Even though she suffers incredible pain, she is a woman of great faith, and she trusts God to sustain her. Her husband may be the focus of this DVD, but she is also an amazing example of how she has also chosen to forgive.

I was moved to tears watching this movie. I was sad for the Norwoods. But I was also crying because their story inspired and challenged me. They demonstrate how to truly forgive and truly love—even when it shouldn’t be possible.

Click here to learn more about this incredible story and to purchase this DVD.

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