Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

By Fireflight | Flicker Records

Fireflight’s third album, For Those Who Wait, continues to offer their signature rocking, lyrically compelling songs. Lead singer Dawn Michele says this album was influenced by personal stories: “It’s our lives, our hearts and our pain just poured out.”

For Those Who Wait is a maturation in understanding that sometimes you don’t appreciate why you’re on the path that you are,” she adds. “A lot of times, we get bogged down thinking about things that we’re waiting for. And when we do that, we totally miss out on what’s happening in-between now and our goal.

“God has times of waiting in our lives because He has something for us to learn. Hard things that happen, that throw us off of our plan, can become the most important things in our lives because God will take them and use them to shape our character and who we are.”

The title track is a rousing reminder that in those times when God might seem distant there is a purpose. Listeners will be assured that they are not alone in their feelings. “Desperate” is an emotional cry to God for help. It’s a refreshing admission that we’re tired of cliché answers and empty promises, that things will be OK. But it is a song of faith that God is our hope and we can trust Him in spite of how things seem.

Michele flawlessly delivers the rousing rock songs with passion. But her vocal diversity is highlighted on the ballads “Recovery Begins” and the tender “Name,” which will capture audiences’ hearts with the chorus: “He sees you, He’s near you / He knows your face / He knows your pain / He sees you, and He loves you / He knows your name / He knows your name.”

Fireflight’s transparency will assure listeners that they are not alone and will encourage them to keep trusting and waiting. For Those Who Wait is an album of personal music that is sure to appeal to believers and unbelievers alike.

Click here to purchase this album.

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