Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue


By Jason Gray | Centricity Music

It’s taken Jason Gray two years to develop the songs on his second studio CD, Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue. “My last record was called All the Lovely Losers, and it had a lot to do with brokenness,” he explains. “I thought the logical place to go on the new project would be to explore what to do with your brokenness.”

But it was only when he let go of his own agenda that the songs for this new album came more naturally—with a sense of confession, but even more so, of renewal. “Since it wasn’t a theme that was premeditated, I find myself listening to my own songs in a way that I haven’t before—trying to discern what they’re trying to tell me about myself, my longings and fears.”

Although Gray’s music is considered pop with elements of folk, rock and R&B, his perspective and lyrics eliminate the fluff sometimes associated with pop music. Opener “More Like Falling in Love,” Gray explains, “explores the difference between religion and relationship.”

“I think we’re often in danger of reducing Christianity to information, a series of facts that you must know and believe in order to be saved.” He acknowledges the importance of studying good theology, but adds: “It seems clear that when the Scriptures talk about ‘believing,’ it’s talking about more than just facts and has more to do with trust, affection and relationship.”

Gray admits: “It seems so obvious, but even I need to be reminded that a relationship with Jesus Christ should look less like intellectual assent and more like falling in love.”

This artist stretched himself to write the worship song “Does It Fade With Our Voices” for this record. “As I’ve gotten older my view of worship has less to do with the songs I might sing on Sunday morning and more to do with the kind of life I live,” Gray explains. “If we truly want to bring God the glory and honor we always sing about, I think we do so by the way we live our lives—the kind of spouse, parent or friend that we are, the way we serve Jesus by serving the least of these.”

Gray doesn’t just sing these words; he lives them through his involvement with World Vision, summer youth camps and other ministry opportunities. To learn more about this artist, visit

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