Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Early Reviews and Rankings Putting ‘God and Donald Trump’ by Stephen E. Strang on Fast Track to Best-Seller

U.S. President Donald Trump smiles.

God and Donald Trump, the new book by award-winning journalist and author Stephen E. Strang, is on its way to best-seller status—already at No. 1 on Amazon and in several categories with early reviews that sing the praises of Strang’s inside look at Donald Trump: the businessman, the candidate and the president.

Gary McCullough, director and founder of Christian Newswire, shared, “If you cringe when a political leader mentions God, this book is a must read. God and Donald Trump is less about a president’s faith, rather, the welfare of a nation’s faith.”

Reviewers are also calling God and Donald Trump, “a great read,” a “wonderful exposé,” “page turner,” “phenomenal,” “powerful” and “compelling.”

  • “Stephen Strang does a wonderful exposé of Trump as the man and as a political presence in the presidency. He notes his belief that Trump supernaturally was elected president for such a time as this in God’s agenda. I believe the same. Not a gossipy presentation, but to me was a presentation in love of the man as a devoted father and as a president who doesn’t … need to be president to fulfill his needs but truly wants to see the country great again, as well as make people’s lives better.”
  • “This behind-the-scenes, in-depth examination of one of our most unusual and extraordinary candidates in one of the most consequential and dramatic presidential elections in U.S. history is simply outstanding! Steve Strang is one of America’s most experienced, insightful journalists, and I wholeheartedly recommend you lay hold of this phenomenal book.”
  • God and Donald Trump is a powerful and compelling extension of Steve Strang’s reporting of Donald Trump’s miraculous road to the White House. The book is a shining example of his dedication to reporting the truth in a time when many Americans have lost faith in the mainstream media and crave an alternative to ‘fake news.'”
  • “As a #NeverTrump voter, I was skeptical of the book, but was encouraged to read it. Steve Strang offers a comprehensive analysis of God’s providential hand in his election. As I read this book, I was astonished at its accuracy and filled with hope for our nation. This book is a page turner you won’t want to put down.”
  • “Trump’s election as president stunned the professional political world. How could the pundits and the pollsters been so wrong? Mr. Strang answers these questions in exquisite detail. His conclusions: Part of the reason might lie in the fact that ‘everyday’ Americans saw something in the man lacking in his opponents. A sincerity that belies his media-manufactured public image. In fact, there are many who believe in Divine Intervention, that Trump, as God saw him, could accomplish a restoration of the American character; a world leader in issues moral and spiritual. Stephen Strang’s extensive interviews reveal the man as he is … a caring man of unseen depth and compassion. A great read.”

Strang is an award-winning journalist and successful businessman who began his career as a newspaper reporter at the Orlando Sentinel. He later founded a Christian publishing house and media company while interviewing and writing about nearly every Christian leader in the country over the past four decades.

For more information on God and Donald Trump visit and view the book’s  video. Visitors to the site can also download a free chapter and order the book.

God and Donald Trump is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House, which has published books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians, including 14 New York Times best-sellers.

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