Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

By Joshua Harris | Multnomah Books | hardcover |256 pages |$19.99

Joshua Harris, best known for the teen advice book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, draws from his experience while growing up in the church for Dug Down Deep: Unearthing What I Believe and Why It Matters. Opening with a look at Rumspringa, the Amish rite of passage, Harris explains his personal spiritual journey and why all believers come to a point of personal-faith ownership.

The author credits notables such as J.I. Packer and John Piper for defining moments in the formation of his understanding of theology. He also focuses on why theology, along with orthodoxy, has been overlooked-to the detriment of the church. Some of the most memorable moments, however, center on times when Harris discovers his life should revolve around God and not vice versa.

Dug Down Deep is an easy, conversational read that targets those who, like Harris, have found themselves in a shallow spirituality. He stresses the relevance of Scripture in modern living and urges readers to know what they believe and why.

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