Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Do You Give This Book Away?

MEV Bibles

Christ followers have many opportunities to influence the reading habits of those around them.

I’ve given away hundreds of books. Books such as Fearless by Max Lucado and John Bevere’s Honor Reward and Bait of Satan are some favorites I’ve given away over the years.

I’ve given away books about sales, marketing, advertising, management, and entrepreneurship to leaders.

And I’ve given away many Bibles.

I remember the impact my first Bible had on my life. I received it from my maternal grandmother. Her name was Opal. She was my Lois. I minister today because of her unceasing prayers.

My first Bible directed my life on a course to seek and understand Jesus. A foundation was poured into my heart. When I think about my first Bible, I wonder what I would be doing today had I never been given a Bible. When I remember this gift, I can only think about being intentional about giving away more Bibles.

I remember giving away a Bible to a student at Oral Roberts University. He came to my office to receive a textbook I promised to buy him because he couldn’t afford to buy his own. The Holy Spirit led me to also give him a Bible that was on my desk. It was his first Bible.

I watched him change over his four years of college. His textbooks had an impact, but the Bible showed him a new way of living. The Word came alive in this young man, and he continues to grow and mature in Christ.

I think I could tell a few hundred stories about the impact I’ve seen from the change that occurs in someone who reads a Bible. Christians know the power of God’s Word.

What would happen if we all became more intentional about giving away Bibles?

Charisma Media and, specifically, Steve and Joy Strang have set a goal to give away one million Bibles. We have initiated a project we call “Give Away The Word,” the mission of which is to make the Bible available to every person in need and experience its life-changing message. For a gift of 10 dollars to the campaign, we can give away four Modern English Version Bibles. A 100 dollar gift would allow four hundred Bibles to be given away. Click here to learn more:

Please help us give away the book that changes lives and eternity.

Please respond generously with a tax-deductible gift. Mail your check to Give Away the Word, 600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, FL 32746. To donate online visit

“For the word of God is alive, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). {eoa}

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