Disgraced Priest Accused of Abusing Nuns Spiritually and Physically for ‘Spiritual Growth’

In a shocking revelation, two former nuns have come forward to expose the alleged sexual and psychological abuse perpetrated by Slovenian mosaic artist and priest, Marko Rupnik, 69.

The accused is said to have exploited his position at a religious community in Slovenia, where he subjected at least 20 women to nearly three decades of egregious misconduct.

Gloria Branciani, a former community member until 1994, shared disturbing details during a press conference in Rome. She recounted how Rupnik manipulated religious concepts, stating, “He took me to pornographic theatres to help me ‘grow spiritually.'”

Branciani further disclosed that Rupnik insisted she meet his sexual needs to advance spiritually, even justifying involving another nun in their encounters by likening it to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.

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Mirjam Kovac, another former nun who departed the community in 1996, expressed how the ideals of the young nuns were exploited by abuses of conscience, power and body. The accused priest, briefly excommunicated in 2020 and later reinstated after he supposedly repented, was finally expelled from the Jesuit order last June, of which Pope Francis is a member.

Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of Bishop Accountability, described Rupnik as a “powerful cleric protected at the highest levels of the Church and the Vatican.” This revelation comes five years after a Vatican summit on sexual abuse, raising concerns about the efficacy of the promised “zero tolerance” approach by Pope Francis.

Despite Rupnik’s expulsion and the lifting of the statute of limitations on the offenses, concerns persist. Barrett Doyle calls for an independent investigation and the transparent publication of its findings. Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni acknowledges the ongoing gathering of information to determine the appropriate procedures.

In the face of such disturbing revelations, it is essential to reflect on the biblical teachings that condemn such actions. The Bible warns against false prophets and teaches that actions rooted in darkness are not of God. In Ephesians 5:11, it is stated, “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them.” These acts of abuse are not only a betrayal of trust but also an affront to the teachings of Christ.

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The actions of individuals like Rupnik, who exploit their positions for personal gratification, are influenced by the devil and lead people away from the path of God. In 1 Peter 5:8, we are cautioned, “Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Such behavior tarnishes the image of the Church and distances individuals from the spiritual solace they seek.

As Gloria Branciani prepares to testify before the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, handling sex abuse allegations against the clergy, the call for justice and accountability resonates. The church must confront these dark deeds, root out the perpetrators and uphold the values of integrity and righteousness.

The Bible again warns us that false teachers are seeking to deceive us in 2 Peter 2:1, stating, “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies.”

In these challenging times, it is crucial for the Church to reaffirm its commitment to the teachings of Christ, ensuring that those who lead and serve do so with genuine compassion, humility and adherence to God’s Word.

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