Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Discerning the Great Deceptions in These Last Days

The Word of God tells us that in the last days, there will be many deceptions implemented on earth by the antichrist spirit, but Jesus told His disciples to not be alarmed. In Matthew 24:4, Jesus says to them, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” In the information age, where deceptions can be produced globally at the click of a button, this command to the disciples of Jesus is more true than ever before. The body of Christ must be attuned to the Spirit of God, receiving His wisdom for what’s happening in this nation and around the world.

This is the heart of the Prophetic Pulse Podcast on Charisma Podcast Network. The Prophetic Pulse is launching its first series to tackle some “light” subjects that are deceiving many in the body of Christ today. In this series, called Great Deceptions, Pastors Randy Rice and Curtis Hill will be discussing two important topics that Christians need to be aware of in our day to equip their minds for discerning the elements of deception around them. These two topics are: critical race theory and communism.

For the last year, Randy and Curtis have been battling the false doctrine of critical race theory among some local pastors in their area and have seen firsthand the fruit produced by this way of thinking. Critical race theory is a doctrine of demons parading around as a form of social justice, and it has allowed the accuser of the brethren to infiltrate our pulpits in America. Randy and Curtis discuss seven different biblical points that dismantle this ideology and take it captive through the power of Scripture.

In their second episode of Great Deceptions, Randy and Curtis discuss the deception of socialism and communism. In the last year, we have seen these two forms of demonic power knocking on the doors of American government. In the beginning of 2020, before COVID-19 became a fear frenzy, the Lord spoke to Pastor Curtis and said, “I am removing communism from the earth.” Isn’t it interesting that the Lord will speak a truth, and then the entire world will attempt to steal the prophetic word? In 2020, we experienced a pandemic that was no doubt hell’s attempt (and maybe even man’s attempt) to implement more governmental control from tyrannical leaders and produce fear in the hearts of many believers. Randy and Curtis believe that this prophetic word is crucial for the church to partner with in order to establish God’s form of government on the earth.

With all that is happening in this nation, believers must remember that God has a good plan for America. He is not alarmed or thrown off by the decisions and deceptions of man, but He looks for His followers to partner with His heart, and not be swayed by divisive and political agendas. Join Pastors Randy Rice and Curtis Hill on the Prophetic Pulse Podcast as they seek the Scriptures and pursue the voice of the Holy Spirit for what God’s opinion is on these issues today. Listen to these episodes to hear what the Spirit of God is saying about these subjects.


Pastor Randy Rice has been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years in the greater Cincinnati area and has served as the founding senior pastor of LifeChurch West Chester for the past 16 years. In 2018, Pastor Curtis Hill joined him as an associate pastor, and the two have since established a relationship as apostle and prophet to the body of Christ in their local church and region. Together they have authored two devotional books and seen hundreds of people saved, baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Pastors Randy and Curtis share a heart for the church in America, to see the saints equipped to minister the kingdom effectively in these uncertain days. Following the 2020 election, they began the Prophetic Pulse Podcast to teach and equip their congregation and online community with wisdom and discernment regarding national events. The focus of the Prophetic Pulse is to encourage the body of Christ to hear God’s voice for our world, stand on the truth of the Word and then engage culture with the power and love of Jesus.

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