Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Debunking Five Common Arguments for Homosexuality

Bill O'Reilly

“Opponents to Homosexuality are Just Intolerant and Narrow-Minded”
Some supporters of homosexuality accuse those who oppose homo- sexuality of simply being out of touch, bigoted and prejudiced. This, though, really isn’t an argument in favor of homosexuality. Rather, it’s a sentiment that suggests that opponents to homosexuality are unwilling to share their freedom. Unfortunately, this neglects the question of truth. The question isn’t about whether a particular emotional reaction to a particular behavior is correct but whether or not the particular behavior is right, given the available evidence.

Historically speaking, for example, every single culture that has compromised the traditional view of the family, embracing practices such as homosexuality, has not survived. Based on this evidence alone, a case can be made for the traditional view—opposition to homosexuality—simply on the basis of historical evidence.

The Importance of Standing for Truth
How important is it that our nation rediscover the Biblical position on moral issues (such as homosexuality)?  Extremely so, because the souls of people hang in the balance. Further, aberrant views about sexuality and the nature of family that rising generations hear in state-run classrooms are reinforced by influential celebrities. The rigorous (but necessary) work of meaningful discourse is obstructed when talking heads like Bill O’Reilly paint all opposition with the single-brush accusation of “homophobia.”     

As our nation wrestles with this issue–and as well-funded, well-organized, tireless propagandizers condition the culture to embrace homosexuality–we’d do best to approach one another with love, gentleness and respect as we share what makes the most sense in light of God’s Word (and good sense).

Adapted from Alex McFarland’s 15th and newest book, “10 Issues that Divide Christians,” published by Regal Books, Ventura, California, available January 2014.   Dr. Alex McFarland is an author, evangelist, educator and broadcaster. He has spoken in more than 1400 churches, and on more than 150 universities and school campuses.  He is founder of the Alliance for the Preservation of Christianity in America.  www.alexmcfarland.com  

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