Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Creatives… The Newest Church Fad? Or Is God Up to Something? (Part 2)

Anointed and appointed for such a time as this … Would it surprise you to know that a physical third temple was prophesied and is currently underway in Jerusalem? This is where Messiah (Jesus) will be ushered in and seated upon the Throne (Rev. 21). As with everything surrounding Israel and biblical prophesies, they tend to take on both literal and figurative manifestations as they are fulfilled.
This leads me to the main point of this entire article … Preparation for God’s Shekinah began with the artisans in the Old Testament; and, likewise, I believe it begins with them today. God is anointing “creatives” for something huge that’s about to take place supernaturally!
We are about to know God’s Shekinah in a new and mighty way: in the temple; above the temple; around the temple; throughout the temple. WE ARE THE TEMPLE! God’s Shekinah is being ushered in and full-blown revival is about to take place where we will get to experience all of it! This is wonderful but as with the OT creatives, it is especially important to pay attention to His Way of doing things.

So how do we do that?

There have always been gifted and skilled artists outside of these special times of anointing. In fact, while God was revealing to Moses those whom He had anointed and appointed to build the tabernacle, the Israelites were skillfully crafting and erecting a beautiful golden calf and offering sacrifices to it in the name of Yehovah (Exod. 32:1-6). Tired of waiting on Moses (and God, for that matter), they concocted a “god” they could more easily control on their terms! They molded and shaped what seemed good to them.

Ironically, out of cultural peer pressure, Aaron (God’s anointed to co-lead with Moses) led the charge in this idol creation. Doesn’t this scenario sound familiar with many of today’s appointed leaders?

Three things to glean from all this:
1. Talent doesn’t necessarily mean God’s anointing is upon it.
2. People always choose how to use the gifts God gave them.
3. Even the anointed (Aaron) can fall out of line with God’s will … especially when fear of man (conformity) takes over.
The two types of creative groups … Both groups were talented!
The self-appointed creatives at the bottom of the mountain used their natural gifts to worship an image of the Lord as they saw fit, as their Egyptian culture had previously dictated. They thoughtlessly followed the traditions of men of their day and intertwined a little paganism with their corporate worship of God. In the process, they angered God so much that He almost destroyed them all right then and there.
Whereas the anointed creatives were chosen by a living God to create a prophetic place and atmosphere of worship (Deut. 12:4, 13-14). They followed and obeyed God’s incredibly detailed directives rather than their own cultural understanding of that which seemed right in their own eyes (Prov. 16:2; 21:2). This resulted in God’s manifest presence ushered in as His glory filled the temple.
Caution for creatives and/or churches with creatives groups … Remember that God is amazingly detailed and meticulous in His directives. So much so that Aaron’s two oldest sons died for offering foreign fire when God’s glory came down (Lev. 10:1-2). They weren’t careful to follow God’s directives of how to worship Him.
Be aware of the temptation to build your own proverbial golden calf with your projects, your crafts, your talents, etc. Take care to examine whether you are creating what you think is right and holy in your own eyes rather than His. The best way to ensure you are discerning His desire over your own is to spend daily, intimate time with Him. Seek His will and specific guidelines for what and how to create every step of the way. Regardless of how accomplished you become in your craft, make a conscious effort to consistently partner with Him and ask Him questions like:
– Should I write that book? What is the title?
– What image should I paint? Oil, acrylic, watercolor?
– Would oak or pine suit this piece of furniture?
– Which jewels should I use for this necklace?
– What rhythm, stanza, etc., for this poem/spoken word?
– How should the next verse in the song go? What’s the chorus?
– Which colors would You like to see in these garments?
Check your heart motive periodically to make sure you aren’t idolizing your talent or your creation. The most reliable way to know your heart motive is to ask Holy Spirit to search you and know you (Ps. 139:23). Checking in with Him will always reveal heart motive. Our ways almost always seem good in our own eyes (Prov. 16:2; 21:2). You may think your creation is
good, but the Holy Spirit might show you something else. Be willing to receive truth from Him and flexible enough to change plans.
Questions to ask yourself:
– Is my motive to bring glory to God? Or to myself?
– Do my thoughts revolve around how to get people’s recognition/approval (i.e., how many
likes/follows will this get)?
– Am I imitating/mirroring worldview ideologies and secular relevance over biblical
values and righteousness?
The reason I highlighted periodically above is because we can often begin with right motives, but then slowly gravitate toward self-centered, man-pleasing or culturally-provoked intentions.
It is very easy to fall into the trap of taking credit or seeking acknowledgement for the work God has done in and through us.
Finally… Creatives, as you move forward in preparing for God’s Shekinah, be thoughtful, diligent, obedient and expectant.
For you were anointed and appointed for such a time as this!
Second Corinthians 3:7-8, 17-18: “Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious?…. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” {eoa}
Michele Lawson is a freelance writer focusing on Christian apologetics, prayer and biblical perspective regarding current events. She created a website ( and maintains a blog about her faith.
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