Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Convoy of Hope Co-Founder: Influence Your Culture With Christlike Compassion

As a child of God, Dave Donaldson firmly believes it is God’s mandate for him to influence the culture around him—from neighborhoods to nations. It’s the same for all of God’s children, including you.

As co-founder of Convoy of Hope and CityServe International, Donaldson says we must meet the needs of our communities—and our world—with the compassion that will influence and convince the lost that Jesus is their only answer.

It’s the main theme of The Influencers Podcast, Donaldson’s new show on the Charisma Podcast Network.

“Cover to cover, the Bible challenges us to be influencers,” Donaldson told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “And I believe that, since we are made in God’s image, His stamp upon our soul and our spirit is to influence culture.

“That means we must take a stand for our moral biblical values where that might take us. It means we need to show the compassion and kindness of Christ from our neighborhoods to our nations. Pure undefiled religion is to care for the widows and orphans.

“We’re going to deal with a lot of issues including breaking the bondage of drug addiction, eradicating fatherlessness in our nation and raising up pastors who are taking their rightful, responsible place of influence in their communities. Everyone I meet practically wants to make a difference, to make their life count. They don’t want to just drift through life. They want to influence people for the good.”

For more of how you can become an influencer for your community and the nations, listen to this podcast.

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