Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

By Donald Miller | Creative Trust Media | $14.99

Donald Miller, best-selling author of Blue Like Jazz, offers Convergence: Where Faith and Life Meet, a new DVD series appropriate for study at church, home and in small groups. Miller engages viewers with conversation with prominent Christian writers and thinkers Dan Allender, Tremper Longman, Lauren Winner and Phyllis Tickle.

The first three DVDs are Frustration and False Gods: Living in a Fallen World, Spiritual Practices: How to Meet God in the Everyday and Breaking the Ice: Learning to Share Our Stories. Each one-hour video features three 15-minute conversations as well as bonus features.

Miller recently answered questions and shared more about this new DVD study series.

While the world’s spinning way off course, what good is more talk?

Donald Miller: Communication is rarely a bad thing, but it’s true—we don’t need more talking heads sharing their opinions. What makes Convergence different is that it is less about teaching and more about conversation. Conversations tend to be a bit more honest, a bit less forced and more palatable for those listening in.

Who are you talking to—and why them?

Miller: Truthfully we are talking to anybody who will listen, who finds that the material interests them. The DVD project will be marketed to church small groups, so we imagine small groups of people sitting around in a living room sharing their opinions and ideas stimulated by our conversation on screen.

Why are you the one asking the questions?

Miller: I’ve always wanted to host some sort of conversation like this, and I enjoy being a learner. Convergence gives me the opportunity to talk to some of the leading scholars on various topics, and I couldn’t be more honored to be the guy who gets to ask the questions.

What questions do you think are important to ask?

Miller: Honest questions about the guests’ personal narrative. We can all fall into the habit of sharing advice, but I want us to share our true stories, our hardships, our victories. The questions I ask tend to pull a narrative from each of our guests.

What difference will it make even if these conversations do stir it up around the country?

Miller: Hopefully people will feel less alone in whatever they are dealing with and be given a perspective that will help them as they attempt to care for each other and follow God.

Click to purchase the Convergence DVDs:
Frustration and False Gods: Living in a Fallen World

Spiritual Practices: How to Meet God in the Everyday
Breaking the Ice: Learning to Share Our Stories

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