Cindy Jacobs Responds to the Mike Bickle Allegations

As news continues to break surrounding allegations of sexual misconduct by IHOPKC founder, Mike Bickle, prophetic voice Cindy Jacobs is responding to the case.

“As a leader in the prayer movement, I am deeply grieved at the sexual misconduct of Mike Bickle,” Jacobs wrote on X.

“There are many pure and wonderful people who love 24/7 prayer and I am praying that their intercession will not be lessened. I am also praying for IHOP and the victims.”

Jacobs’ remarks echo those of Lou Engle, a former senior leader of IHOPKC, who also expressed his sorrow on X over the allegations, calling for Bickle to speak up. He wrote, “I have prayed and hoped that Mike would come forward with a full confession of all that is hidden. I’m hoping that it could bring a measure of peace for his own heart and a measure of justice for the hearts of those who have been affected by this trauma in the Body of Christ.”

These comments are just a couple from Christian leaders as more information continues to surface in this situation. Billy Graham’s grandson, Boz Tchividjian, called for IHOPKC to be permanently shut down after Tammy Woods, a now 57-year-old, claims to have been sexually abused by Bickle when she was only 14 years old.

“It’s time. It’s time to permanently close the doors at IHOPKC,” Tchividjian wrote on X.

Another woman, who is identifying as “TH,” also claims to have been sexually abused by Bickle in the 1970s when she was 15 and he was 20, according to The Roys Report.

It is during this grievous time that the body of Christ must continue to lift up all those mourning in prayer and to seek justice, mercy and healing according to the Bible’s standards.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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