Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Catholic Charismatic Ex-Lesbian: The World Needs to Hear This Message

Kimberly Zember

“It’s not about us. It’s about Jesus and what He has done and continues to do in us.”

Meet Kimberly Zember, a key leader in the Freedom March, a movement of men and women who have left the LGBTQ community to follow Jesus. They hold marches around the country to share their testimonies.

“He deserves the honor,” Zember says. “He deserves the platform, and that’s what these Freedom Marches are. It’s not hate. It’s not judgment. We’re just honored to share what the Lord continues to do in our lives. I believe that in a time like this, the world needs to hear this message.”

The first time I met Zember, we were in the back room of a Panera near my office. She’s a California girl to the core, down to the sun-streaked blonde hair, fit body and casual attitude.

I wasn’t sure what to make of her, but when another woman asked for prayer, I felt the Holy Spirit move.

Zember stood up, arms outstretched, and began speaking in tongues.

When Charisma News launched the “Overcomer: Leaving LGBT” series, I knew I wanted to have her on the show. There’s something piercingly honest about her story that shows you how the Lord is moving right now.

From California to Ethiopia, from marriage to divorce, from secret desires to the manifestation of sin, the Lord stayed with her.

Listen to the podcast to hear for yourself.

Click here to find out more about Zember.

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