Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

California Senate Passes Resolution Telling Pastors to Embrace LGBT Beliefs

California Senate passed a resolution telling Christian clergy to accept and support LGBTQ ideology, even if doing so violates their Christian beliefs.

Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 (ACR-99) was introduced by Democratic state Assemblyman Evan Low of San Jose on June 4 as a way to gather support for LGBTQ identity and behaviors.

CBN News previously reported that more than two dozen doctors, counselors, former homosexuals and other Christian leaders signed a letter condemning the resolution, which they said violates religious freedom.

The resolution also condemns counseling for unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion, known as conversion therapy.

The bill says “California law recognizes that performing conversion therapy on young persons is ineffective, unethical, and harmful. Conversion therapy has been rejected as ineffective, unethical and harmful by leading medical, mental health and child welfare organizations in the United States.”

Several Christian leaders are speaking out against the resolution, saying it infringes upon their free exercise of religion.

Russell Willingham, executive director of New Creation Ministries, told CBN News, “I believe ACR-99 sets the stage for future laws that will criminalize pastor caregivers like me who provide such a resource—resources that offer an option for those who don’t want what the state is telling them they must accept.”

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News.

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