Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Spiritual Professional Says to Use This Kingdom Trait to Finish 2020

Spiritual professionals are businesspeople who pray and carry within them the wisdom of the Holy Spirit—and this is the ongoing miracle we must realize and walk in to finish 2020. This is how we shape the future through our God-given assignments.

I’m speaking of entrepreneurs, educators, corporate people, government workers, lawyers, doctors, moms and dads, and preachers alike.

It’s important to guard against the hopelessness often found in media. These news cycles are built by creating fear and worry to keep you coming back for the world’s counterfeit version of what’s going to happen next. Those in its grip are easily crushed by despair, pandemic stats and fear constantly exuded from mainstream media.

Instead we are created to build the future of life and work in a spirit of faith and revelation that positions us to bring solutions leaders, kings and queens long to find.

We have access to resources, brilliance and insight that the world cannot claim.

History tells the fascinating account of the queen of Sheba, who travelled 1,000 miles by camel because she heard of the divine wisdom of Solomon and wanted to see this greatness for herself.

Second Chronicles 9:5-7 records her declaration:

True was the report that I heard in my land concerning your words and wisdom. But I did not believe their reports until I came and my eyes saw; and indeed, half the greatness of your wisdom was not declared to me. You have exceeded the report that I heard. How happy your men must be! How happy these servants, those who are continually before you listening to your wisdom.

Notice the blessing that accompanied the wisdom of God in Solomon. It applied to his staff and literally spilled over to those around him.

Today as you face the chaos, refuse the victim mentality and lean into your spiritual reality as a son or daughter of God—carrying divine wisdom to create solutions that inspire others to inquire of our great God for themselves.

In times of pressure, as believers—as spiritual professionals—we find our greatest hour of opportunity.

To be ready to see these divine opportunities, I recommend that you:

  1. Limit your mainstream news intake.
  1. Pray and ask God for the wisdom you need to solve problems for yourself and others.
  1. Become the shaper of our future and let blessings fall on those around you.

A hunger is rising for practical wisdom for God’s praying professionals. Let’s lean in to bring the spiritual and the professional together in this day: This is our opportunity to shape the future. {eoa}

Tune into The Linda Fields Show on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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