Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Have you ever thought of how our finances, faith and prayer are connected? We are in error if we try to be successful in our finances without having prayer and faith in our plans. Every day I receive emails with suggestions on how to beat the stock market or purchase gold or make a real estate investment and it goes on and on. Recently, brokerage firms and investment groups have attempted to sell me their secret or unique plan to get rich. They may even try to sell me a set of books, videos, tapes or whatever it might be with this newly discovered guaranteed plan to make millions of dollars. Now the guarantee is not that I make millions. The guarantee is that I get back the fee I paid if I am not happy with my investment results.

Now before I go any further, you need to know that I am not a broker, banker, investment counselor or licensed security analyst. However, I have been blessed to help thousands of individuals discover our Lord’s advice in financial matters. May I suggest you seek qualified professional assistance before making any financial investments. Working with a Christian will be of benefit when it comes to using the advice found in God’s word.

My thoughts in this article and my weekly podcasts are based on the biblical instructions found in God’s Word. As you listen to this podcast episode titled Finances Need Prayer and Faith, you will be able to discover the direction our God has given us in making financial decisions. When we commit to basing our financial decisions on the wisdom we find in the Bible, we will develop a well-organized plan. God’s Word often tells us to be open to discipline and correction. Many people are challenged with the word discipline and are not open to correction. However, when the Lord disciplines and corrects us, it is for our benefit. Certain translations of the Bible tell us that God’s discipline will bring a profit to us. As we read the Word of God, we will often see the Lord disciplining and correcting His followers. But that discipline is always for the benefit of God’s people because He desires to help and bless us.

The book of Proverbs offers excellent advice on borrowing, cosigning a loan and lending money. Jesus often talks about how to deal with our finances. The Word of God has more Scriptures about money and the proper use or misuse of it than it does for the word love. That tells me our God knows we will need help in dealing with money. As we read and study many of these passages in God’s Word, we see how important it is for our finances to have a foundation of prayer and faith. Our God wants to bless those who seek Him.

My podcasts episodes numbered two through 25 provide help in how we can experience debt-free living. These new podcasts on finance, prayer and faith will include comments in the areas of ethics, trust, stewardship, debt, hard work, prosperity, true riches and numerous examples of my financial experiences.

I encourage you to go to my website at and sign up for my weekly newsletter. Be sure and look over the books I have written on debt-free living, generosity, faith and my experiences in Vietnam. The Lord has performed many miraculous healings in my life. He has brought me to such a time as this to speak and write about living a quality Christian life. May He bless you in your financial future. If have any questions, subscribe to the Quality Christian Living with David C. Friend podcast on Charisma Podcast Network for other practical steps to create a quality Christian life according to God’s principles. Invite your friends to join in and listen. There will be something for everyone.{eoa}

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