Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Finances are one of the greatest sources of fear for people today. A 2015 study by the American Psychological Association found that 64 percent of Americans saw money as a significant source of stress. And it’s not just a U.S. problem. A Canadian study found that 68 percent of Canadians “worry a lot about their financial situation.”

So how can believers overcome fears and worries about their finances? I wish financial freedom were automatic, but it isn’t. The Israelites had to fight to receive the promised land God said was theirs (Deut. 6:3). In this case, our promised land is “the power to make wealth” (Deut. 8:18b, NASB). We too need to fight to see this kingdom reality manifest in our lives.

Jesus went from riches to rags so that we could go from rags to riches (see 2 Cor. 8:9). We can experience kingdom blessings when we believe God’s promises are for us, align with them, receive and act on God’s wisdom concerning steps to take and passionately pursue them (Jer. 29:13, Prov. 8:17, Matt. 7:7).

Remember Daniel, who prayed 21 days and received his breakthrough (Dan. 10:2-5)? Elijah prayed seven times for the drought to end and received his answer (1 Kings 18:42-43). Since we are encouraged to pray as Elijah did (James 5:16-17), I have no problem praying repeatedly for the same thing and acting in obedience to what God is telling me.

In the same way, I believe there are seven prayers that open the door to financial freedom. Financial freedom means having enough to meet my needs plus extra to share with others. These seven prayers are:

—Prayer of repentance and changing my attitude about money.

—Prayer of breaking off financial curses.

—Prayer of forgiveness, cleansing and renewal.

—Prayer of erasing negative cellular memories concerning money.

—Prayer of healing negative pictures of past financial mishaps.

—Prayer of receiving revelation concerning my giftedness and call to creatively serve mankind.

—Prayer of celebrating financial freedom with thankfulness.

I’ve printed these seven prayers below. As you pray these words, here is my advice. Speak these prayers aloud, with conviction. If you feel shaking, it is the Spirit ministering powerfully. Pause and let Him do His work. Perhaps pray that line of the prayer a second time to allow even further work to be done within you.

Let your hands and body be involved. According to 2 Kings 13:18-19, prophetic gestures release spiritual power. Honor and follow any leading you have to engage in prophetic gestures.

Quiet yourself in the Lord’s presence, perhaps by praying in the Spirit for a few moments. Pray each prayer aloud slowly, incorporating pictures, vision, flow and emotion to make it a heart prayer and not simply a head prayer. If you need to repeat phrases twice in order to fully see and feel them, do that.

Prayer of Repentance

“Lord, I repent for my sins and the sins of my ancestors for harboring ungodly beliefs about money. I repent for believing it is wrong to have wealth when others are in poverty. The truth is that You have provided more than enough resources for everyone. Your watchful care, personal guidance, angelic intervention and creativity within each heart release Your financial provision into our lives. You do this for me. You do this for others.

“I repent for believing that money is evil and thus to be avoided. In reality, money simply magnifies what is in a person’s heart. You said, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart’ (Matt. 5:8a). Thank You that Your Spirit has purified my heart, allowing me to see You and receive from You.

“I repent for believing that money will disrupt my spiritual life, for it is You and You alone whom I allow to influence my spirituality. I have chosen to receive Your wonderful counsel in the cool of the day (Gen. 3:8, Isa. 9:6) as I encounter You in my quiet time. You keep me on track and reveal dangerous attitudes and actions I am to avoid.

“You have given me unique gifts and a passion to multiply talents, mastering area after area. Every vocation and skill I have is part of my spiritual life, and taking time to master every area You place before me is part of my spirituality. In no way is it secular. So I will take the time to master each area, acknowledging these areas are part of Your kingdom.

“I repent for believing I am not gifted enough to be prosperous. The truth is, it is the hearing and obeying of Your voice that causes blessings to be released in my life (Deut. 28:1-14). Your wisdom and anointing overcome every natural limitation. You have placed within me a vision for my destiny (Gen. 12:1-3, Prov. 29:18). You have instilled the passion and gifts to bring it forth (Rom. 12:6). I honor and receive each of these and know that by following them, financial blessing will flow. Thank You, Lord.”

Prayer of Breaking Off Curses

“I break all word curses (hexes, incantations and witchcraft prayers) spoken over me by myself or others concerning money. I bind and rebuke all evil spirits that connected with these experiences and gained a foothold in my life. I break all agreement with any imaginations of financial lack.

“Poverty has no place within me. Demonic forces, be gone now in Jesus’ name! I declare that the lack the enemy envisions for me will not prevail over the ability of Almighty God to bless and prosper me.”

Prayer of Forgiveness

Lay your hands on your heart, seeing Christ’s hands overlaying yours.

“Christ’s blood has made me clean (see 1 John 1:7). I stand clothed in Christ’s righteousness, a righteousness received by faith in the finished work of Christ at Calvary (Rom. 1:7, Gal. 3:27). Thank You, Lord!

“Lord, I embrace what You have spoken, that money is a blessing and a fruit of following Your voice (Deut. 28:1-14). I put on the mantle of abundance in Jesus’ name. I receive God’s anointing, for it is He who has given me the power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to our fathers (Deut. 8:18).

Prayer of Erasure

Lay your hands on your heart, seeing Christ’s hands overlaying yours.

“I break off all ungodly thought patterns (mental strongholds) of fear and lack and worry, which say I will never have enough. These are lies from the enemy. God has promised me more than enough (Ex. 36:7, Luke 15:17). My mind is filled with the vision that I live in my promised land, a land God has promised to me. It is a land flowing with milk and honey. It is a land of freedom and rest (Heb. 4). I receive it. Thank You, Lord!

“I speak to my cellular memory, my RNA and my DNA. Emotions of fear, lack and poverty, be cleansed and erased from my cellular memories. Images, thoughts, attitudes and ideas that I will never have enough, be swept out in Jesus’ name.”

Breathe out deeply a couple of times. See Jesus sweeping your cells clean. Feel the release.

“Thank You, Jesus.”

Prayer of Healing

“Holy Spirit, what negative picture from my past concerning money do You need to heal?”

Pause and look. What picture did He bring to mind? You may want to jot it down in your journal.

“Lord, show me where You are in this scene and what You are saying to me. Lord, are there negative events in my family line concerning money that You want to heal? I forgive everyone involved, including others, myself, God, circumstances and governments. I choose to honor and release them and bless them in Jesus’ name. I embrace what God is speaking and doing. I ask You to cleanse my cells from the trauma of this event.”

At this point, record what He reveals so you have a memorial of this event. Day by day, repeat the above, asking for additional scenes until all negative financial scenes have been dealt with. As you tune to flowing thoughts and pictures, God will grant words of knowledge of such events, and as you invite Him to reveal Himself in these scenes, you will see Him ministering grace to your ancestors. You will see their excitement as a result of this prayer, and as you look, you will even see this new freedom flowing down through your family line, ultimately touching you and your descendants. Remember, in the spirit world, there is no time, so God can heal past, present and future.

This is a good time to do a prophetic act of joyful, excited release. The more events Jesus releases you and your generational line from, the freer you are to experience God’s blessings.

Prayer of Revelation

“Lord, Your Spirit releases creativity and faith, encouraging me to step forward and succeed financially. What gifts, passions and talents have You anointed me with which equip me to serve humanity well in a special and unique way? What activities energize my spirit? What paths do You want me to explore?

“Lord, what are the new skills (talents) You are asking me to multiply so I can step forward into greater success? Who are the new connections You want to provide for me which will open up new doors? How am I to reach out and build a relationship with them that will bless them as it blesses me? What doors do You want me to knock on? Who are some good mentors effectively producing in this area whom I can contact, who may agree to guide and counsel me? Make me glad to pay them for this service, knowing the return on my investment will be well worth it.

“What specific goal do You want me to pursue today? What are Your thoughts on how to achieve this goal?

“I step forward into these areas, seeing You at my side. I am tuned to the flow of Your Spirit within, which releases wisdom, guidance and creativity moment by moment. I focus intently on these activities, passionately pursuing and mastering the skills You are asking me to master. Your guidance leads me in the steps I am to take to succeed. You open doors before me. I honor and respond to the flowing thoughts, pictures and feelings you light upon me as I pursue these Spirit-given goals.

“I choose to embrace this process of change and growth with a heart-passion, full of love, anticipation and thankfulness that You are leading me to victory (Matt. 25:14-30).

“My prayer times will involve dialoguing with You about how to best move forward and master the skills You have asked me to master. I gladly take the time to master them, knowing they are part of my spirituality and part of Your plan for my life. Nothing is secular. Everything is spiritual, so I give myself wholeheartedly to the mastery of these skills, trusting in Your anointing to guide me each step of the way. I ask for ongoing direction throughout the day, staying tuned to the flow of Your Spirit within. I honor and act on these ideas, which light upon me continually. They are Your voice, leading, guiding and anointing me. Guide me to the best mentors and best tools to masterfully and completely succeed. I look for them. Thank You, Lord! I receive these gifts from You now. By Your grace, I press on to success!”

Prayer of Celebration

“I lay my hands on my heart, and I speak faith to my heart. Faith, arise! Faith, arise! Faith, arise, in Jesus’ name. Lord, I receive Your gift of faith to believe for complete financial freedom (Eph. 2:8). Your compassion and grace sustain me. You remove all fear and doubt. You bring my heart and mind into perfect alignment with Your will. I speak Your blessing over every activity in my life as I perform it.

“My attitude has changed. I thank You, Lord, that I no longer experience struggle or negativity attached to effort that leads to failure. I thank You that all I have now are challenges, which attached to thankfulness lead me to victory!

“My continual praise silences the voice of the accuser (Ps. 8:2, Matt. 21:16). Thanks be to God, who always leads me in triumph in Christ, and manifests through me the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place (2 Cor. 2:14).

“With a big smile on my face, I celebrate my lifestyle of divine creativity, divine connections, divine anointing and divine prosperity. I celebrate the new skills (talents) I am mastering under the leading of the Lord. They carry me to new places, new victories, new relationships, new abundance. My service to humanity has expanded, and many are being blessed by my life. I enjoy and celebrate the gift of life which God has given me. Thank You, Lord, for Your anointing, gifts, passion and fruitfulness!” {eoa}

Dr. Mark Virkler is the author of more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for 30-plus years on six continents. To learn more, visit cwgministries.org.

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