Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Bidengate Breaks When Loaded Computer Is Left at Repair Shop

The famous “October Surprise” occurs when a professionally planned, organized and executed story breaks within weeks of the November election—specifically to impact the election.

The “Bidengate” October Surprise, however, is completely different. It happened accidentally when Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop at a computer repair shop and didn’t pick it up. To help decide what to do, the owner opened it up and was stunned to find incriminating pictures, emails and more linking Biden to corruption with Ukraine, Russia and China, as well as confirming his long-standing cocaine habit and the adultery which caused his expulsion from the military.

John Paul Mac Isaac, owner of a computer shop in Delaware, said, “I just don’t know what to say or what I’m allowed to say. I know that I saw stuff, and I was concerned. I was concerned that somebody might want to come looking for this stuff eventually. I wanted it out of my shop.”

He turned the laptop over to the FBI out of concern for his personal safety, keeping a copy just in case.

Adding to this news is that Hunter Biden received more than $3.5 million from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, over $1 billion from China, a monthly stipend of nearly $80,000 from Ukraine and more.

“Hunter Biden traded on his last name to make millions of dollars,” said Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

Things grew worse. Twitter and Facebook began censoring the story after it broke in the New York Post. The social media companies went so far as to shut down multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts of people forwarding the message, including White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and the Trump Campaign.

To add to it, Jill Biden’s former husband, Bill Stevenson, said, “I was betrayed by the Bidens. Joe was my friend. Jill was my wife,” telling the story of how instead of an apocryphal story of a “blind date,” in fact, Joe Biden had committed adultery with his wife.

Bestselling author Stephen Strang says in God, Trump and the 2020 Election, “The leftward progression towards communism begins with ‘liberalism,’ moves to ‘progressivism,’ then becomes ‘socialism’ and finally ‘communism.'”

“For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12).

War has been declared on the approximately 167 million Christians. In just 17 days, unless the 59 million believers who did not vote in 2016 do so, and an absolute miracle happens with polls showing up to a 12% deficit, it will all end.

As the president just said at his most recent rally in Greenville, North Carolina, to chants of “We love you! We love you!” “God help us if we lose,” pointing up to heaven. “We need help from Jesus Christ,” echoing many, deeply concerned at a literal communist takeover of the bastion of freedom. {eoa}

Amir George is the author of Liberating Iraq and directs The World Helpline at

People Needed: Capitol Hill Daily Prayer 7:30 a.m./12 p.m., Hart Senate Office Building, Constitution Ave./Supreme Court entrance.

Even if you can’t come, please pause to pray at 7:30/12 and let us know at [email protected].

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