Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Benny Hinn Requests Prayers for Ailing Father-in-Law


Healing evangelist Benny Hinn is petitioning the masses to release healing prayers for his father-in law. A statement on his website reads:

“Suzanne and I are asking our partners and ministry friends to join together in agreement for her precious father, Dr. Roy Harthern. He has been battling serious health issues for some time and is now in critical care. Specifically, please pray that he will be healed and whole, according to James 5:15: ‘And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.’

Harthern began his ministry in England and is an international Bible teacher. He and his wife, Pauline, reside in Orlando, FL. He has made a lifetime study of Revelation and authored books such as Armageddon Ahead: An Easy to Understand Commentary on the Apocalypse.

“Suzanne and I are so happy together, and our restored marriage is living proof of the power of prayer,” Hinn wrote. “With all of our prayer partners joining together, we know that God can do impossible things. We are confident that your faithful prayers on her father’s behalf will be answered!”

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